I'm Free

I'm deep in a dark tunnel and all I can see is a speck of light. I've been in this tunnel for so long, I'm so scared and helpless. My tears, so many tears run down my face.
I don't know when I'll be able to get out of this place. Then I here footsteps coming towards me, I'm scared I can't see whose walking towards me. Helloooo as it echos through the tunnel.
The footsteps are coming closer and closer, I can't see anything I'm so scared. Then I hear grab my hand and bring you to the light, it will all be ok. I took the hand and we walked towards the light.
As we we're reaching the end of the tunnel I asked whose hand I was holding, the voice said "I'm you and I'm here to free you from this darkness and pain so you and I can heal and move forward in life, this tunnel is our past and out here is our future."
I close my eyes and took I big breath and when I opened them I saw I was standing alone, I wondered where did other me go then I realize I was here all along.Â
This is about my inner child and that she is trapped in the past. In order for me to heal from my past I have to bring her out of this dark tunnel that she's in.
Hello Claire; I was wondering, that at the end did you mean to's write "I was here "ALONE" all along? Any who, I really enjoyed this story as reminded something that Rod Serling would do an twilight zone.
thanks for sharing and take care and have a good one.