Where it all began

Once upon a time on October 27th 1995 there was a little girl named Claire.
She turned on the Tv and noticed there was a new show called Goosebumps, Claire was curious so she continued to watch it. When the episode was done Claire was sad cause she loved it. Then all of a sudden her imagination was born. Claire started to imagine things that she's never imagined before. When she'd go outside to play she would imagine she was in a spooky movie, the garden would even be a graveyard.
Claire continued to watch her now favorite show called Goosebumps and then she thought to herself one day I was to write stories like R.L. Stine.
Few years went by and now Claire was 12 when she came across another writer named Stephen King. Claire started watch his movies and that's when she wanted to be like him too. As the years when on not only Claire grew up but so did her imagination. Today she has almost 40 books she has to finish and start but as soon as she starts writing her imagination continues to come up with new book ideas. One day she hopes to get at least one book finished and then published.
This is a nice piece. Â We all have an imagination that can run wild, but to move forward and actually write the story's is amazing. Wonderful job.. Â
Thank you for the nice comment.