La Sans Âme Lapin

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Sally and she wanted a pet so bad
Sally begged and begged her parents to buy her a pet. Then one day when Sally got home from school her parents said to her “We have a surprise for you, so close your eyes.”
Sally closed her eyes with excitement, when she opened her eyes she saw a cute black rabbit named La Sans Âme Lapin which is French, Sally and her parents didn’t know what it meant but they thought it was pretty so they kept the name. Sally loved her rabbit, she told her stories and read her stories Sally even had tea parties and watch movies with her also.
Then on Halloween night during a thunderstorm Sally woke up scared after a big stuck of lighting. She wanted to cuddle with her rabbit but the rabbit wasn’t there. Sally yelled for her parents “MOM DAD!” Sally’s parents woke up with a gasp and ran into Sally’s room. “What’s wrong!” asked her parents as they were catching their breathes. “My rabbit is gone!” “We’ll find her don’t worry.” replied Sally’s mom. As everyone started looking for the rabbit something caught Sally’s eye, she noticed something outside of her window. Sally went outside in the storm to see what it was but there was nothing there.
Then she hears a snapping noise behind her, Sally turned around slowly and what she saw standing behind her was something she never expected she would see. In a shaky voice Sally said “La Sans Âme Lapin?” It took of its mouth mask and smiled with a creepy smile. Sally’s parents were still looking for the rabbit when they hear a blood curdling scream coming from outside.
“SALLY!” yelled her parents as they ran outside. “SALLY, SALLY WHERE ARE YOU!" yelled her parents. Their daughter was gone and never seen again. Five years later Sally's mom was on the internet when she came across a Urban Legend about La Sans Âme Lapin. She gasped, "What!?”asked her husband as he walked in the room. She pointed to the screen and her husband walked closer to the computer and saw the words The Soulless Rabbit (La Sans Âme Lapin). It says Be careful when you see this rabbit for she takes the souls of little children on Halloween night and if you see her make sure you say a prayer then she will go away and never come back. But if you don't say the prayer your child will be taken and you'll never see your child again.
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