Gone, To The Dogs.

To be given the benefit of the doubt, by her, was extremely rare. She, was a certain type, who expected the very highest standards, bordering on perfection. It, was a " hell, of a thing " to please her. To get approval for doing " a fine job " ! Been found wanting in her eyes was a problem, you had to deal with, the best you could. Until, she judged another by her criteria, giving them the " first degree " assessment, like no other, in analyzing worth. God, would probably struggle to pass her " means " and " strategies " for determining your value. These " sort, of things " could affect you, badly, for life. The way of passing her challenging appraisals was to be at absolute peak performance, at whatever you were involved with. Otherwise, you may be condemned, perhaps most imaginatively, forever ?
Did she want the Earth ? Well, if she did not, at the very least, she wanted it to shake. And, probably " rattle and roll " as well ?Ā Like it had never done before. Her, remit to test being " across, the board "... as she moved in the most powerful, circles. Part of a class structure, intent, but never truly content, on being born to ascertain what was best where. In her mind was the over-riding principle of making theĀ " man " prove he had anything, to offer, at all. She, used them, to learn what errors could most effect the stability. Of, her, and her " society friends ,"Ā in accordance with her place and role. In the historic manipulation of events and outcomes, in cause and effect, to produce what was of greatest advantage. For, the want of her grouping, and, society, which they took charge of. With, the most serious considerations at heart. Obviously. Why would they not ?
Why would he have been in her " sights " ? Why would he be a " target, for ridicule " ? She, needed her, " entertainments " ! He supposed. And, that was that. His selection for her treatment, at " The Party, " now, being a " cause, for concern " ! Not, for him. But, finally, for her so-called friends. And, their positioning. The wanton disregard, of his own life, and guarantees, of standing, meant he " threw all, into, it " to bring about the least likely result. Almost a miracle ! Despite, everything, she had appreciated, his efforts. And, smiled.
What, on " Earth " was going on ? Now. In his thoughts was the realization, of truth. Trying his " absolute best " had gone down, well. In spite of the " odd " handicap, each mistake had created " interest " ! Openly, like she was not used to. He, knew he had achieved something extraordinary. By, being deliberated over. To, be assessed, for " honorary distinction " ! And, thus, deemed suitable to be asked back. To, have " another Go " !
Did he feel proud, of what he had done ? There, that, night. Well, if he was honest with himself, totally, he would have to admit, one thing. He, had " fucked " himself up, completely.
All ways, from now, he would be viewed as different. So, " differences " would be considered appropriate, at, certain locations. Even, more, was now to be the " order, of the day, " when it came to his future attempts at achieving the same again. He, felt tired already. Which, was, not a good sign. At all. " Fear " crept into his heart. For, the first time. He, now understood the " benefit, of a good education. " That, was clear ?Ā Ā