Graze, The Grass !

They, felt, it. Within, themselves. They, had faith to do the right things at the right time. It, was the way they rolled. In, the midst of any " crisis " they knew what was required. The solution, came, from the heart, and the mind. To, be spirited ! To, be taken away from the chaos and the strife. To, cut the grade. It, " cuts like a knife " it was perceived, as they tore through the monotony and hypocracy, making more of their skills, and thrills, as they could. Their deep-seated principles were applied to foster a culture of top notch condemnation of the absurd ! As well as the downright oblivious, ill-advised, shadowy retreat from the sane path. Others adopted.
In their fashionable beliefs, they became icons of an age. And, a page, in history. Like no-one else could have done. They, tormented oppressors with the display of gratuitous instinct. Deriving pleasure from the carthartic " misappropriation " of resources, on playing " The Field " ! To, get the ultimate yield. Obviously. The rural up-bringing lent to them all they would need. On a journey, like no other. Here, there, and everywhere, they flaunted their capabilities. And, abilities. To, produce the goods. Seemingly, out of thin air. The desire for the " showdown hoedown " leading to extreme variations in party festivities. Tied to behaviour of an intoxicating natural feel. The senses driven to distraction, in the name of love. And, the making of the times, by letting all barriers be lost. To, give way to the " Wild Ride " ! So, convincingly.
They, became infamous, then. Enjoying everything to the maximum. With youth as their friend they embarked on the most audacious exploration, of the inventive mindset. Leaving no rock un-turned, to succeed where many would fall short. The sexual invasions into the quantum dynamic, of the animalistic, defined them. With, their sure-footed approach to living, and giving, much copied due to its tendency to leave anyone in a " cold hard sweat " ! But, then again, why would it not ? At the end of the day, what more was to be achieved from the breadth of constant celebration, than this, flamboyant statement on freedom. With, its libertarian values coming from extensive needs. To, please anyone. Anywhere. At, anytime, when, everything was set in place. To, be used and abused, as deemed fit. For, fun and frolic, based on emotional investments. To, return plenty. As, should always be. If, any dare think about, it ! And, do. Most clearly. The past says so. They, grasped the enormity, of this, with abandon. As, expected, looking at the cerebral cortex evaluation of " wealth " from any angle. Or, angles.
It, was in this climate of suggestion, and commitment to be appreciative of realism, that they gave fullest expression to the " beast " ! Their expectancy of frivolity and founding crusading energies, leaving none in doubt of their wishes. And, their search to set apart finest dictating " commercial " interest from the rampant ravaging of the " Open Range. " And, all it had to offer.