In One.

It, flared up. Out of nowhere, really. In their minds was the torturous route, to this happening, against the grain. Against the pale. Things, should have been so much different, than this. But, could not be. The holiday frivolity seemingly putting all at ease. Until, the party was over. They, had enjoyed themselves too much, in fact, with the realization of a return to the hardships, of the " everyday, " taking a toll. Far, greater than usually the case. When, the end of " high jinx " and spirited resistance to the concerns of " necessary evil " was encountered. They, realized all was not as it should be, when, the tensions rose. Beyond frustration. Beyond the normal.
In, the way of things, there was a mutual deliberation, of life, of lives, and " The Deep Impact " of a travelling experience, away from current locational factors. Through, time. In the minds of the " party animal " the transcient description of harmony, and melodic overtures, easily replaced by pent-up fears. Of, what exceeds the imagination, and all it can deliver. Far, from that which is easily dealt with. The promise of a revisiting of " Shangri-La " not enough to stave off irritations. The force of the turmoil, was a " shot, in the arm " for the challenging re-appraisal of relationship, and, partnership. Like, no other, which had gone before. The descent into argument, over the mundane, defining reaction, and effects, created by the longing for a " place, in the light " rather than in " The Dark " ! Where, demons were expelled, for the belief in better.
The thrust of the fresh approach to last minute delays, heading for " home " caused the " apple-cart to be tipped over. " To, escape the pressures of the situation. With, all it represented, in their " visions " ! The raising of temperatures, was therefore natural, due to their " lust for life " ! And, all it offered. In the moments of being absorbed into " The Mouth Of Madness " they re-interpreted each other. Confirming truth, and, spiritual needs. To, find a way through, to settled calm. The fall from grace, into " The Hurt Locker " room, to accustom themselves, and their coupling, with values of what had past. That bore a timely re-connection with the foundations of love. And, the " Dove " !
A blessing was the physical attachment to re-establish reasons their joining was as it was. They, went to hell and back. To, be more. As well as what they knew. To " Hell, And High Water " not destroying hopes, for the future, but, amplifying them. They, by doing right by themselves to " Make Some Noise, " finding worthwhile adjustments, or amendments, to those loving vows. Which, meant everything. In, the long " run " !
See, the picture, " My Little Eye " ! For, sake of turmoil. And, lessons.
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