Interesting Facts About Nature

Indeterminate chatter: ("I know I posted this before, Marion, but Bernadette hasn't seen it yet!" "She's going to think you're a moron!" "Well, I am...wait! Why?" "Because it's supposed to be humor, but there are not any funny parts to it." "It's true, no one laughed last time." "Et tu, Tina?"
"OK, let's just see what she thinks!" "moron.")Anyway, since you pretended to like my writing last time, B, I'm submitting a document for a subject I have great interest in, animal factoids! You know how you're amazed when you see such facts as:
-A hummingbird can flap it's wings up to 60 times per second! Or,
-An octopus has 3 hearts! And,
-The blue whale's tongue weighs as much as an elephant!
and you're amazed?
Well, these are some that I have heard that I really believe ARE true, that I've heard, butt actually have no factual basis for. Please enjoy, and even if you don't enjoy, pretend you do. Thanks!
Interesting Facts About Nature.
1. Mickey Mouse, before he was Steamboat Willie, and eventually the Mickey we love today, came over on a ship from Cambodia, and was known as Plaguey Pete.
2. The platypus has 17 hearts!
3. Godzilla could actually speak fluent Japanese, but chose to make loud squeaking/ squawking noises instead.
4. In Armenia, a female yak is called a 'Hoochie Coochie Mama.'
5. The hyena, though often seen laughing, enjoys sad music, and is described by jungle mates as having 'the tears of a clown.'
6. Scientists in Bangladesh taught a gorilla to use a toilet in the wild, but the experiment was scrapped when he kept forgetting to put the seat down for the female gorillas.
7. A walrus' tusks can grow to be 40 feet long, and the full grown adult walrus can weigh up to 700 million tons!
8. Sheep are exactly the same as humans, with the exception of their physiological, mental and television preference differences!
9. The common barnyard chicken in Chernobyl, Russia has 13 beaks!
10. A large group of manatee is called a Flubber.
11. The largest dog in the world is not Clifford, as you would expect, but Marmaduke, who once ballooned up to 400 lbs. when he was taking Prednisone for an intestinal disorder!
12. A female Polar bear, in the wild, will put on socks if the temperature reaches -40 below zero in Antarctica!
13. The Sea Lion(the thing that looks like a seal) is not at all related to the lion family! And is actually more closely related to the Stevens family of West Yonkers.
14. Sea-Monkeys, as believed more recently, are not actually some type of little shrimp, but are actually a little family of smiling creatures with three pointy things on their heads, a father, a mother with a red bow in her hair, and 2 kids, just like the comic book picture!
15. Gorilla poop can now be manufactured synthetically in a laboratory setting!
16. While it's true that a leopard cannot change it's spots, it can change into a sharp, polka-dot patterned jacket by Calvin Klein for formal affairs!
17. Cows are actually lactose intolerant!
18. Scientists in Norwich, NY have uncovered evidence that dogs don't urinate in certain spots to 'mark their territory' but more because they 'really had to go.'
19. Squirrels have the unique ability to hide their nuts.
20. A human being could actually crawl through the veins of a blue whale, but only after receiving express written consent from the animal, to do so.
21. A fruit bat eats 60,000 lbs. of mosquitos a day!
22. Ancient cave drawings have revealed that dinosaurs were displeased with the name given them because it sounded too much like 1970’s female talk-show host Dina Shore!
23. The sloth sleeps about 20 hours out of every day! (He spends the other 4 hours complaining how he ‘didn’t sleep that well because his tree was lumpy’, etc., and ‘how tired he is’ to his sloth mates.
24. Yogi and Boo Boo Bear are not as pleasant in actual life as they are on their cartoon, and Yogi often rips the arm off a camper while Boo Boo steals the pick-a-nick basket. Ranger Smith is also not as nice as depicted, and oft times will shoot them with a high caliber rifle.
25. The common house fly’s eyes have 629 sides to them, but he still requires bifocal glasses to read his prescription bottle!
26. The duck, in Victorian Times(before it was called a duck) was called a ‘Bend Over To Avoid That Object Hurling At Your Head!’, but the name was changed when the old joke: ‘Who stepped on a Bend Over To Avoid That Object Hurling At Your Head!?’(when someone farted) fell flat because it took too long to tell.
27. Baboons are not born with bare bottoms, but actually shave their intergluteal cleft with a sharp rock in the privacy of their own jungle lair!
"See Tina? Moron."
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Okay, let’s set this straight: 1st, since you wrote the word pretend twice, the last thing I want is to pretend. Some of this is not funny at all, even a bit silly, but some are hilarious😂🤣. Moron you??? Never! I think, dear Matthew, you underestimated my sense of humour. I give you 9 out of 10 for your effort in this one. I still think you’re the King of Humour!
Long live the King!
LOL! Thank you Bernadete! You just made my day! I'm so glad I could make you smile because I can see from your picture that you have a great one!
You're awesome.
Thank you,
Lol! A flubber of manatees 😂😂😂😂😂 hahaha...oh fabulous! And the tired Sloth ...omg
So, so, so, so funny. Hilarious!
But the bottom bit ... what's that all about?
Thank you!! I love that you have a beautiful sense of humor!
That was you and Marion talking about me, it’s continued from the top. It’s kind of self deprecating humor vicariously through you and Marionette. Lots of love, M.