There was young woman who hated when people said she was quiet. She was an introvert. She was reserved, calm and lived in her mind. She had an imaginative and creative mind. She had an introspective personality. She wished she was outspoken, able to express her feelings and thoughts and make many friends. When people said she was quiet, she became very depressed, disturbed and emotional. Whenever she heard the word quiet, uncontrollable tears rolled from her eyes. She felt broken and crushed in spirit. People, probably thought she was insane or mad or worst abnormal to be a person of few words. She had this problem in her childhood, teenage and adult life. In primary school, her English teacher knew she was quiet and said it was her weakness. From that day on wards she hated being quiet. In school she was a bright spark, a dedicated student but she was quiet.  she was an outcast, no one understood her. She had to live with this inadequacy, nothing could be done to change her personality. She became very close to her maker, God. He made her the way she was and also understood her. He gave her life meaning by using her to do his work. He reminded her that he uses the weak, foolish and despised things. He used her weakness to demonstrate his strength and power. In God’s eyes she had worth. She compared herself to Moses, the most humble man in the bible. He had a speech problem,he used to stutter but God used him despite his weakness  to deliver the Israelite’s out of Egypt.Â
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Hello Stephanie...
This type of child usually eats alone...
Kicks stones at recess...
While walking home gets cackled, kicked, punched, laughed at...
And then becomes the most successful of all...
Great Write!
Thank you for sharing...
Thanks Sparrowsong for your cheerful comment.