Just Your Everyday Love Story

A forbidden love. Two peoples lives change just by seeing the other’s eyes. The inner glow inside their eyes gets brighter, making it impossible to see the world around them. Then they know they found the one. They hold onto one another's stare, looking deep inside them. Grabbing hold of each others hearts. But they both come from different worlds. Their love is only Meir fantasy. Their love is weak; the only way for it to survive is for them to prove that they can change. These two worlds must collide, their parents need to except their differences and be happy for the lovers. If only it was that easy. Their names were Christina and Alex......
    He held her in his arms. He promised he would never let go. They would get married. They would buy the biggest house and have the best jobs. Then they would settle down and have children, 3 to be exact. Two boys and one girl, the boys would be the oldest so that they can protect their sister. He promised that no matter what happened he would always love her. He would stand by her through everything. When she is sick, he will take care of the children and nurse her back to health (she found the male nurse thing sexy). He told her no matter how old, fat, or wrinkly she gets, she will always be the skinniest, youngest, most beautiful women he has ever seen and nothing would ever change that.
She laughs and says "just promise you will never cheat and that you won't change your mind. Promise you won't die and leave me here alone."
He looks into her sparkling eyes and replies "I will never change my mind because you are the only one in this entire world that I care about. You are the prettiest and most amazing girl. I don't know what I would do without you. Now you promise me that if something does happen to me, you will remarry, and make sure the kids know who their daddy was and how much he loved them."
   With tears in her eyes she said okay and then he let go. She looked up at him. He smiled and got down on one knee. "I love you, the way you smile, the way your eyes sparkle when you look at me, I love everything about you. You are my everything, the reason I am alive. My heart is yours, will u marry me?"
She smiles back, tears running down her cheeks. "Of course!"
He lifts her up into the air kissing her and wiping away her tears. "Wait, but what about our parents?" she asks with a sad look on her face.
"To hell with them! I'm sick of their opinions. We love each other and I'm not going to let them ruin this for us. I love you"
"I love you too" she says kissing him. "I can't believe we are doing this! I'm so excited!"
He hugs her really tight and yells "I have to go tell everyone! We're getting married!!!!!!" Suddenly he stops and looks down sadly.
"What’s wrong?" she asks concerned
"My dad." he replies
"What about him?"
"He signed me up for the army." he says looking up at her
She sits down shocked. "Oh."
He sits down next to her, holding her hands in his.
"Does that mean we can't get married?" she asks
"No! We can still get married!! This doesn't change anything. I probably won't get a call for a few years. We have lots of time to get married and create our lives together."
    Two weeks later they sat their parents down and told them that they were engaged. They weren’t happy about it, but they soon got over it. They decided that they would suck it up and be happy for them. A month later, they had an amazing wedding. They had a giant cake and they danced to the song from titanic (their favorite movie). All their friends were there and it was the happiest day of their lives, besides their honeymoon which they had in France.
    After that, they bought a giant house and had their three kids, Toby, Cole, and Stevie. Toby and Cole were twin boys and Stevie was their little girl. It was a few short years after when their dad got the call saying he was being sent into the war. The boys were almost 10 and Stevie was 6. When he was gone, they couldn't help but miss their father. Sometimes they heard their mom crying in the middle of the night. She was worried about him, she thought something bad was going to happen to him. The kids were also afraid of the same thing. They needed their father and couldn’t wait for him to come home.
     He was at war for about 4 years, when he finally came home. The kids were older then (boys were 14 and Stevie was 10), and they had a lot of news to tell their father. Unfortunately they didn't get to tell him a lot, because he only had a day to visit them. So they used the little time they had to spend with their father, to tell him how they were doing in school and to tell him how much they missed him.
      The next day the kids got up nice and early. They made their dad breakfast and brought it to him in bed. After they ate, they went with him and their mom to the train station. They all gave him a hug and said good luck. With tears in their eyes, they watched him leave.
       2 years later, Christina was at home taking care of the kids when she got the call. After dinner she sat her kids down and told them that their dad was in a horrible accident. The next day they got on a plane and went to a hospital in Florida, to visit him. The nurse said he couldn't have visitors, but he said he had to see his wife and kids.
    When they walked into the room where he was, he looked up and said, " why you guys crying? I'm not gone, I'm right here. Now come hug your dad."
     The kids ran over and hugged him. They were so happy to see their dad again. Christina stood and watched with a smile. She was proud to be married to such a loving, brave man.
   Just then the Doctor walked in asking if she could just speak to Christina for a second. She said okay and followed him out, leaving the kids with their father.
 She shook hands with the Doctor.
"Your husband is a good man." he says
"Yes, I know." Christina says smiling.
"Did you know he is here today because he was saving another man’s life?"
"I didn't know that."
"He was brave and you should always remember what a good man he was."
"Is he going to be alright?"
"I'm afraid he won't make it." Christina grabs a hold of the wall, and slowly sits down the the chair next to her. "When being attacked his team fled for shelter. One man had tripped and fallen behind. Not wanting to leave him, your husband went back. They almost made it back in the shelter when he was shot in the head. We are surprised he has survived this long."
"Are you sure you cant do anything else to save? My kids need their father. I need him!"
“I’m sorry but there is really nothing else we can do. We removed the bullet, but it is bleeding to bad inside his head.”
“Please!” she begs, tears running down her cheeks.
“I’m sorry.” the doctor says handing her a tissue. Christina takes it and wipes her eyes.
“well how much longer do I have with him?”
"Not long, I don't think he will make it through the night." Christina takes another tissue and walks back into the room where her husband laid.
"Dad will you ever teach me and Cole baseball like you promised?" Toby asked his dad.
"Of course. Who else is going to show you how to throw that curve ball."
The boys smile and go to wait in the waiting room."
Alex turns and looks at his daughter. " Stevie come here." she walks over to her father looking down at her feet. "it's okay to cry." he tells her.
"Yes sweetie?"
She looks up at him tears in her eyes. "Your dying aren't you?"
"Yes sweetie, I am."
"But I don't want you to go! Who else is going to scare away my boyfriend when I'm older? Who else is going to walk me down the aisle when I get married? Who else is going to protect me? Daddy! Please don't leave me!"
He holds his daughter in his arms, "Everything is going to be alright.”
“How do you know that for sure?”
“I don’t but you just have to trust me.” she squeezes her father tight and he holds her closer. “I want you to take care of your brothers and your mom. Tell them it will be okay. Make sure your mom finds someone nice."
"okay daddy." she kisses her dad and goes in the waiting room to tell her brothers.
Alex looks up at his wife. "Hey Chris, I'm hurt pretty bad. Remember what you promised me before?"
"what's that?"
"you promised that you would never forget me. That you would get remarried and make sure that our kids have good lives."
"I'm not going to get married to someone else. I'm already married to you and you will see them grow for yourself." she cries out to her husband tears running down her cheeks like steams.
"Chris stop! Come here." she walks over and sits on the side of the bed. He reaches over and wipes her tears, "where's that smile I fell in love with."
"it's gone. I don't think it will ever smile again."
"don't say that."
"why not! You won't be here! I won't have you anymore! Why can't I go with you?"
"because you have to take care of the kids. You don't need me anymore, you'll be fine. You'll find a better man who will always be here for you. Just remember, even though you can't see me, I will always be watching over you." she holds his hand tight. "Don’t let go rose, never let go." she smiles at her husband.
"I won’t jack." she replies smiling. He smiles back and then closes his eyes. "Alex?" she says. That's when she realizes he is gone.
         A week later they had a funeral for Alex….
“Alex was a good man. He was a loving father and a good husband. He was kind to everyone and was very brave. It’s a shame he couldn’t live to see his children grow, but I’m sure he is watching over them from above. He will be missed.” the priest says. “Anyone want to say something before we close the coffin?” he asks
“We do.” says Stevie.
“okay go ahead.” he replies. Toby and Cole walk up to the coffin first.
“we just want to say that we love him and that we miss him.” Toby says. “and Cole drew a picture of all five of us together.” he says while Cole puts the picture in the coffin.
“so we can always be with him.” Cole says crying. They walk back over to their mom and hug her.
“I bet he is watching you right now and says thank you.” the priest says smiling. “How about you Stevie? Do you have any last words?” he asks
“ I wrote him a poem.” she says pulling a piece of paper from her pocket.
“okay, would you like to read it to everyone?” he asks
“yes.” she replies
“okay, go for it.” he says and she walks to stand in front of the coffin.
“dear dad,” she starts, “ my tears fall without you here, I cant go on there’s too much to fear. I promised myself that I would never cry, the worst day of my life was the day you had to die. When you died I cried, who wouldn’t you were loved. At least its better now, because you can watch over us from above. I miss you, mom and the twins do too. I miss you, I hope you know how much we loved you. Dad you were always there for me, and I will never forget you. I will always miss you.” she says putting the poem in the coffin as the priest closes it. “good bye dad.” she says then walks back to hug her mom.
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lovely piece.