
Suddenly I opened my eyes to find myself laying in a field. I stood up quickly and looked around. There was nothing but green grass for miles. I kept turning until I spotted something. There was a path of trees leading to a bench in the distance. Seeing no where else for me to go, I started walking through the path.
As I walked, the trees around me appeared to be changing seasons. They started out with bright green leaves and flowers blossoms. With each step I took, the flowers would bloom and petals would fall. Towards the end of the path the leaves were a crispy brown and some trees were barren. Finally out of the tree path, I approached the bench.
The bench was old and splintery, but I sat on it anyways. When I did this, I looked up to find something strange across the field. There was another bench and someone was sitting on it in the exact same position as me. I tried to squint to see if I could make out any details in their face but I was too far away. What confused me the most was that I went to go move my arm and they mirrored my exact motion.
I sat there for what felt like hours just watching them mirror everything I did until I finally had enough and decided I wanted to get a closer look. With each step I took closer, the person became more familiar. Something about this just wasn't right. That's when it hit me! I was walking towards a mirror!
Standing face to face with my reflection I noticed something different about us. I personally was confused about this situation, but she looked terrified. I placed my hand against the glass but she just stared at it. I told her everything would be okay since we were one in the same and she nodded. When she placed her hand where mine was, there was a glow between our hands.
I took my hand away and looked around. The benches were gone and the trees as well. The field had turned into an all white room. When I looked back at the other me she was sitting on the floor in a straight jacket. I tried to ask her what had happened but she screamed.
Her scream was so powerful that it threw me to the floor. I closed my eyes and covered my ears waiting for it to stop. When it finally did, I opened my eyes to find myself laying in a hospital bed. The nurse next to me said that I had been in an accident and was in a coma for three years.
So for three years I sat on that bench trying to figure out who I was. I can't help but wonder what wouldn't happened if I didn't get up and walk towards that mirror. Would I be lost somewhere deep inside my own mind? Maybe.... Maybe not.
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Gina, this is quality writing, love the twists and turns but I won't be a 'spoiler', the worked it out and kept this reader in suspense, you're a very creative and talented writer, enjoyed reading this story....cheers
thank you!