opinions gone unheard

In this big open room filled with millions of people, my voice is like a whisper, but in a small dark room my voice can be heard the loudest. In my dark little room I can express myself, I can show my true feelings. I write poems to show my emotions, I draw pictures to show the things I love the most in my life, I sing because it’s something that makes me happy, and I write stories. When I write, everything changes. I feel like no one can hurt me, it’s kind of like my escape. It makes me feel good inside just knowing that I have my own little escape, but it always ends when I have to go back into the real world.
The real world is a world that is not fair. Kid’s opinions are never heard. Well, I know that my opinions usually don’t get heard, probably because if you have nothing nice to say, you’re not supposed to say anything at all. Anyways it’s kind of like I am that small, soft voice in a big room filled with millions of screaming people. You would think that at least one of these people would stop and listen to my opinion, but no! “She is just a kid! She has no idea what she is talking about!” That’s all I ever hear, also that I’m too small and too young to have an opinion. After hearing all of this I just wanted to scream, “how about I hit you so hard that you lose a few years! Then we will see who is old enough!” So many times I wished I could say it, but I did not. There’s no point fighting over something when you know no one is listening and no one cares.
That’s why most people don’t have opinions, because no one cares, so it just does not matter to them anymore. They give up on everything they believe in because not even one person would listen to them. There are way more than a million people on this planet and yet not even one person could stop to hear another’s opinion! I believe that if your opinion is not heard then you did not scream it loud enough. I would never let my opinions go unheard. In the world of opinions unheard, do you know how many could have made a difference? That’s why my opinions must be heard, I could not let them go unheard if I knew they might make a difference in our lives! That’s why we all have to speak out. Scream if you must. You just can’t let your dreams die.
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