Story -

No entry....

No entry....

It was a bitter pill to swallow . A knowledge (in truth) ,  he had known all along . Now it had been proved beyond question . The class system and blue blood network still pigeon holed him - and as not one of their own.
No matter how hard he had worked , the wealth his business acumen had accrued . To the lords and ladies , he was still a man excluded . By dint of his roots . Oh yes , they were polite to him , marveled at what he had achieved . But they never forgot (and never forgave) , he was working class originally.
Poor old Wayne. It so rankled , the status (and acceptance) he could never attain . He could buy a country estate , He could buy a knighthood and have a coat of arms . But to them , it would not impress . He would never be 'upper class' .
He could send his children to the best schools . He could take up countryside pursuits . He could learn every etiquette . He could ape them in every way he could . But he would never gain entry to the landed gentry .To them , he would always be an interloper , a fraud in tweed suits . His money vulgar and his tastes uncouth. 
Why did he want acceptance ? Why did he want to be in their class ? Was there a hatred of them , or a sneaking jealousy ? He knew enough gossip beneath their accents that were so cut glass , The decadence and scandals . Their heritages had been built upon tyranny and oppression in the past. And they thought they were ladies and gentlemen , who by birth right , were above the mass .
It was a question already answered . An answer he bitterly knew . Him and his family would never be members . Their blood was red , and not blue ....

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Chris Bond

Good morning! My first entry here of a very short story , I love the short stories Ernest Hemingway wrote that were barely a page , and this is what I have tried to recreate . I hope a few who read it find it interesting and welcome any comments ...


HI Chris I find your story very interesting angel

Chris Bond

Hi Angel , thank you for your kind words , I'm glad you found my work interesting and hope you are well and enjoy a happy Easter :) Chris


Thanks Chris you as well angel



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