The Other Side

I lived in Atlanta Georgia for about 10 years, and when we first moved their it was in the city. A small apartment complex,but it was home for the meantime anyway. Have you ever heard of people traveling into another world? Another dimension? Well at the time i was four,and i didn't even know what that was. I just thought that if you didn't go to sleep; a crying lady asking for her kids would take away you away. That used to put me to bed, and i know that even sounds scary, but it wasn't like anything i actually encountered.
Mom was getting ready for work, and like most days we were going to go with her. I remember my sister was sitting at the end of the hallway putting on her boots. They were brown boots with the Berenstein bears printed on the side. I was waiting in the living room watching Author, when suddenly i heard a knock at the door. Heres where i fucked up tho, keep in mind i was only four, and i was in that stage where i wanted to test adults. I got up and stood by the door then pressed my ear against the door to take a listen to whoever was on the other side. "Is your mother home?" a lady voiced asked me. Heres what i said,"No who are you?". The lady said the most strangest thing, but i remember being so global and believed it. "A Monster..." and i just stood still with my ear glued to the ear. It got quiet and i decided to open the door by a tiny crack. But when i checked to see who it was?-Nobody was their.
I decided to close the door and lock it, and go see if my mom was almost done. To my surprise she was gone, including my sister.The bathroom still smelled like make up and perfume,and i swear i could still feel my sisters presence sitting on the floor. I thought maybe they were in the other room, so i looked and looked and checked the closet but nothing. The light was on,but nobody was their. I ran to the living room in confusion and they weren't their either. I wanted to cry, i was so confused. I remember whimpering and crying because i was scared and lost. They were just their and i couldn't explain to where they could have gone.
I stared at the door a second while the tv echoed in the background,and then i ran again to the hallway, where i swear my mom,and sister were. Their they were, my sister sitting on the floor still struggling to put on her shoe,and my mom still applying make up on. I didn't know what to say, i didn't know how to react. It was like they never left,and i was just seeing things. But it felt so real....i waited with them,and eventually we left. I never did say anything because at the time i didn't know how to explain it. But now that im older i can tell you that i did enter another dimension, and i dont know how i got their. I think about what would have happened to me if i stayed their? Imaged myself being trapped in another world. I also questioned who was that lady? Was she even a lady? I never did know,and i still dont ,but honestly?i'd rather keep it that way. We moved out awhile after,but lets just say i never did lie and say i was home alone again.
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Hello Hely...
Thank you for sharing...