
When, and if, he knew what he desired, he always got it. There was no doubt about this, at all. He had been born into the " privileged. " They, were the dominant " section " of society, being a law, unto themselves. Obviously. As well as " The Force " you did not associate with, unless of suitable standing. You, were one of the " chosen, " to walk with these influential manipulators of " policy-making " as well as decisive process, to change course of history. For, all.
He, found it all quite predictable, and, banal. If not because of those who dared to tread alongside his slender, but powerful, frame. He, was simply tired of having it, his own way. Then, out of the blue, he met her. The, life, was now changed. Beyond recognition. At the " convention, " where the fortunate ones gathered for their usual back-slapping rituals, he took a different corridor to his most frequented pathways, to find himself cast into the turbulent sea.
Here, his core was shaken, by running into the " chaotic mayhem " of this " damsel, in distress " ! Later, he discovered this a feint to bring in " subjects " for therapy. Beyond that, normally prescribed to an elite, devoid of " the natural " interest. In her arms, as well as among her " friends, " there was to be had a raucous time. Even, involving " sexual politics " ! Far away from the excitement he expected, from a point long after birth, when reality had set in. When, he had become " disenchanted " with his lot. And, its lack of diversity, and, variety.
She, took him by the hand, to lead him astray. Into a substance, of the meaningful meaningless, separated from trivial style ! If, you deemed it such. AS, he chose, to do ! What, could be achieved, by doing anything else ? Clearly.
In the " gene pool " of diverse, and perverse, he could now swim. To, find hope of more than ever imagined. He, could look to " nightmare " as well as ceremonial " trooping " and " drooping "" to the same historic " beat " ! In the love-fest or " revolutionary zeal " he could embellish what he had sought, for so long. And, live as he wanted. Apart from the rest, who complied with tradition, and, birth-right.
In the extreme divide, divorced from " his world, " he could pander to his lusts. And, hers. The gratuitous destination, or destinations, of " flights, of fancy " giving vent to frustration, in the most sordid ways possible. Something, he could relate to. From experience, as well as from those he encountered within standard practice or procedure.
It, was wonderful. To be " lost " to the tribalistic hedonism, of the fiendish deviants. Escaping responsibilities. To, even be involved in " cannibalistic " strengthening, and, testing " devices " ! To bring on feelings removed from mere conjecture. But, lived. Or, in some way, similar. In an artificial habitat, such as that, promoted in " Westworld " liberal thinking.
The death of his elitist notion, with her, led to further explorations into mind, and body. More than he could have dreamt. The context for fruitful " trouble " was exhilerating. The " Point Break " of the wave taking him into the depths, of depravity, where indulgence really meant something. Why would it not ? Considering, the " surfing " of ideas, and " idealistic " behavioral patterns. The lines being " blurred " to order. With constant deliberating of her inclination, to threaten his grounding, and position, in every way, shape, and form. Class, never ever, came into, it !