Rock Bottom - Pt. 1

Hundreds of bright winking eyes gaze upon her, a sea of flashing stars reflecting from the night sky. Too gloriously luminous for her vision but she dare turn away, she was transfixed. It was a light from Heaven, a light she needed to look directly into. This was her home. A continuous sound of shutters transformed into the sound of tiny flapping wings, almost resembling hummingbirds, which surrounded her. This world was for her taking. It greeted her with desperate open arms. A line of royal red lay under her feet and continued way ahead. She was ready to take her crown.
She moved graciously down the split sea, with waves of people shouting her name. She looked from side to side and time slowed down for her. For today, the world watched her. She moved forward gently treading the ground like a Saint, until she met a swarm of photographers, gawping at her like children discovering a giant. A Hollywood smile broke through her full red lips, this sensation of excitement caused her cheeks to blush. She looked through her long and dark lashes into the cameras soul, where she felt she belonged. In the reflection of the glass she could see her platinum blonde hair, curled to absolute perfection, rest on her tiny shoulders, her hair swooped in and out almost hypnotizing her victims. Diamonds upon diamonds shimmered from her chest and ears. She sparkled inside and out. She was literally a star. She wore a blood red silk floor length gown, which wrapped around her Goddess figure almost trickling down her body like a waterfall. She gave nothing, but everything away. No sum would ever be enough. Not even galaxies. Looking up she saw the castle she was about to cease. Two kings men waited either side of the door, anxious to let her enter.
“Gentlemen.” She soothed. A voice so soft, yet rich echoed through their ears and they simultaneously opened the doors to the Premiere of her movie. Fresh air conditioning brushed against her face and chest causing her to sigh with pleasure. She glided through the doors and was greeted like royalty. This was her life. Full of perfect timings which were ravished in glamour. But it wasn’t always like this. To every middle, there is a beginning.
And an end.
A hopeful brunette walked hastily down the street. Dozens of people walk towards her, drained eyes look at her as she whisks past. It was a very dim afternoon; the sun had not shone brightly for a few days. Despite the miserable weather, she was full of sprite. There was a spring in her step. She headed towards a large faded white building with dusty windowsills and glass that had obviously not been cleaned for a few weeks, but nevertheless it was a building of opportunity, a real chance to bash down the door to her dream. She crossed the busy road cautiously, the wind from passing cars made her hair blow upwards around her face, clutching onto her hat for dear life, she laughed at her expense, she gradually stood outside the large doors and looked through the glass. Inside it was black, she couldn’t see a single silhouette. Above her read the name of the building, “MERRS HOUSE”. She was in the right place. To her right there was a grubby man sitting on the ground, his hair and beard were in tangles and knots. His clothes were dirty and only had sandals for footwear, which revealed incredibly, unbearably long toenails. Naturally her face crumpled in disgust. He looked at her with eyes that had no sleep and grunted.
“We all reach rock bottom, just depends which rock.” His broken and rusty voice grumbled.
She pushed open the steel door and lights automatically generated, with an unexpected bang and buzz. This floor was quite large and very empty; all that appeared on that floor was a reception desk, with no one there, a few copied images of famous actresses on the walls and lots of doors leading to different places. The floor had been removed of all carpet. She reached into her bag to read the letter sent to her:
She looked around for any indication or direction. She walked down the hallway and found a flight of stairs, luckily right beside it, was a scratched up board with floor levels and department names: Accounts, Customer Service and Marketing etc. It had obviously once been a building of business. She ignored this and made her way up the stairs. The further she made her way up, each level deteriorated. Wallpaper was peeling and the allure had vanished from her. Once she had reached Level 5, butterflies swam around in her stomach, but not the soft and exciting flutter, more of a panicked sensation. She pushed through another set of doors. What existed was a large office space that leads off to two hallways left and right. It was dark, no lights were turned on, par from the left hallway. She followed her doubtful feet to the left searching for the room. Each door she passed disheartened her more. Regret slipped in and out of her mind and she stopped, nothing positive came from this building and she could just search again for another opportunity, another time, just not this one. She was just about to turn around, when a far door opened and a gentleman’s head popped out. He was too far away to make out his features. A booming friendly voice echoed down the hallway, a voice you would hear on the radio.
“Ah! Miss 12’oclock, come this way.” He gestured. She faintly smiled and walked towards him, her kitten heels knocking on the floor. She reached the door and entered the room, which was just, one fairly average sized room, with two mediocre brown sofas and two cameras on stands. Behind the far sofa was a table with flowers, which had obviously been set up for her. 2 rather scrawny men in black jumpers and white collars peaking through stood together in front of her, the guy on the left was holding a clipboard and had very large hands, with a wedded finger. He was okay to look at; he seemed to be styling a Teddy boy look with his dark hair. But the man on the right had a very friendly and attractive face. One to share secrets with.
“Good afternoon Ma’am. I’m pleased you could make it.” The cute one said. “I’m Jake and this is Rob.” Rob raised one hand as a hello sign.
“It’s nice to meet you both.” Eliza replied. She noticed Rob was already writing on his board.
“Right shall we start, take a seat on this sofa.” Jake suggested.
Once they had all settled down and the cameras were on. Both gentlemen looked at Eliza with a smirk. Jake clamped his hands together.
“Okay, just a quick introduction. Rob and me will be asking you a few questions just to get to know you a little better. To see if you stand out from the crowd as we have had a lot applications. Then we might ask you to read from a script or ask for improvisation. You should see this audition as your door mat to stardom.” He smiled at her, which made Eliza feel a lot more at ease.
“What I’ve always wanted.” She smiled.
Rob and Jake glanced at each other briefly and began.
“If you could look to the left camera and tell us your name please.”
She tilted her head and looking directly through the lens. Held her position professionally yet relaxed. Smiled and said,
“My name is Eliza Grace.” She chimed, with an exceptionally beautiful voice.
“Eliza, tell me why you would want to be in film.” Rob asked.
She pondered on this for a short few seconds, looked down at her knees and smiled.
“I adore the thought of people remembering me through film. The one thing that brings us all together, brings us happiness, brings us to tears.” She looked at Jake. “Make you fall in love and so on. People will think back about a good film and will remember an actor or actress for how they acted in that film. A good film sticks with you forever and potentially you will be remembered forever. It’s a very strong passion of mine to entertain people, make them explore their emotions.”
“Entertain?” Rob questioned. “Have you done anything else other than acting?” He asked kindly.
“I can sing. I have performed in musicals, even some odd cabaret. Which brings me onto danc-”
“Wow, so you’re a showgirl! Maybe you can show us some of your cabaret dance moves Eliza.” Jake enthusiastically said, eyes wide with anticipation. Eliza looked him almost taken back.
“I hadn’t come prepared and I don’t think it-” She explained being interrupted.
“It would look great on the tape if you danced for us Eliza.” Rob softly urged, holding his pen a little tightly. She started to feel slightly nervous, a feeling she can usually overcome. But it escaped through the bricked walls.
“Maybe after the interview. Shall we?” She tried to stay professional; she had been waiting for an opportunity like this for a while. She couldn’t just bottle it now, she had to play along. She crossed her legs waiting for the next question. Rob jots down something on the paper but doesn’t really look at what he’s writing. He tilts the board towards Jake and they chuckle.
“How much experience have you had in the field? Performing and acting?” He questioned.
“For as long as I can remember, from a young age at least. Performed at home to my parents,” She giggled. “Or at school, obviously I’ve been in a couple of musicals, I’ve done exams. Here, I’ve bought all documentation with me if you’d like to see?”
“Leave them on the table. Eliza, you’re doing great. We’re going to ask some personal questions for, licensing, reasons.” He stuttered. “How about we make you feel more comfortable, we have the heat on, you don’t need to wear that coat. Also it would be great for the camera to see your natural beauty. I can take your hat if you like?” Eliza saw no fault in this. She removed her jacket and hat. Flipping her hair about slightly, to create volume. Jake looked at her in an odd fashion, both gentlemen were now perched on the edge of their seats.
“Beautiful. You have all the looks Eliza. Every inch a star.” He gently sighed; he leaned towards her raising his hand to her cheek brushing away a strand of hair, grazing her cheek lightly as he did. She was flourished; their words are what she’s always wanted to hear. She smiled and lowered her head.
“Eliza, tell me about what you do for fun?” Jake asked gently. Eliza was confused why they would ask, but replied.
“I very much enjoy going to the movies, seeing all the big names on screen. I love to play tennis. Wining and dining. I’m a simple girl, simple enjoyments.”
“That’s all good, what about friends? Do you like going out at nights? Have a dance or two?” Jake asked me cheekily giving me a wink.
“I suppose, yes.” Eliza breathed. “Wine a day keeps the doctors away right?” She giggled. They did not laugh.
“Mhm, it is fun isn’t it? How about relationships? Are you married or with someone?” Rob asked flatly. Both Jake and Rob were transfixed on Eliza. She was starting to feel uncomfortable with the situation. Her hands were sweating.
“I am currently single, newly separated actually.” She said shaking her head.
“We can fix that, Rob, I think we have some champagne in the draw. Pour Eliza a glass, she needs a little pick me up.” Jake suggested.
“Oh no, no I mustn’t, I’m drivi-”
“Nonsense, you’ll be fine relax, relax. You can talk to us.” Jake said looking at her intently. She couldn’t help but look back at him; he had such an alluring charm. Rob handed her the glass and she took a sip. It was cheap and stale. She felt this summed up her whole experience here.
“So, when you were in a relationship, was it joyful, did you two have fun together?” Jake smoothly asked. Eliza began to get unpleasant alerting tingles in her head and down her spine.
“Very much, we loved each other.” She said quickly, hopefully portraying herself as irritated.
“I bet you two were lovers. Just like in the movies.” Jake said with a hidden factor in his eye. She thought about what he said for a second, eyes glazed over. She had often compared herself and Roland as passionate lovers, just like Scarlett O'Hara & Rhett Butler in ‘Gone With The Wind’.
“Yes very much so.” She said without realising. Jake was a lot closer to her than before. He took her hand, she flinched back slightly, which he resisted.
“It’s okay Eliza, once you become famous. That will all be forgotten.” He whispered stroking her hand. Every fibre in her body screamed at her this wasn’t right. She smiled half-heartedly. She wanted to leave, this was nothing as to what she expected.
“How much longer is this?” She said through her teeth.
“Now, now, we’ve only started.” Rob said shocked at her question.
“I do not have much time unfortunately gentlemen, it seems you are more interested in my personal life, than my talents. I feel this is enough.” Her head began to feel very light as if bubbles were floating through her brain and popping. Just like the champagne, or maybe it was just herself getting worked up. Her vision blurred for a couple of seconds. Once she focused Jake was sitting beside her.
“She’s right, we’ve taken enough of her time.” Jake said, but almost sounded like he was shouting in her ear, she became disorientated.
“How about a photo? For the record, Miss Eliza Grace?” He shiftily said.
“Sure, wh-whuy not.” Eliza hiccupped. She sat there placed her hands on her lap, her hands felt splendid, she rubbed them together and it felt relaxing, comforting. She giggled. She looked up to see Jake and Rob standing in front of her, she had to focus her vision again, and they were both amused. Jake becomes more serious.
“Eliza, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes upon!” He kneeled in front of her, placed both hands on her knees. She tried to move them away but her strength had disappeared.
“Eliza you’re going to be the biggest thing since sliced bread.” He beamed.
She raised her eyebrows in surprise. She chocked a laugh and said,
“You really th-think so?” She had been so retained and relaxed before, but now she was tired and excited, emotional yet flat. Her voice seemed squiffy, almost like she was drunk.
“That is the truth. This one picture can make you a star!” He said, now stroking her cheek with his right hand, it felt nice. But what happened to the Eliza that wanted to escape.
“Now, Eliza. A woman like you needs to be shown off. You have an amazing figure and you shouldn’t be hidden away under these clothes.” He serenaded slowly pulling her top from off her shoulders. Eliza’s reaction time was slowing each second. Her eyelids were drooping halfway down her eyes. She was in sufficient ecstasy. Her heart rate was faster than the beat of wings. She refocused her dilated pupils to look at the glass of champagne she had drunk from; she had barely touched the alcohol. Figures were moving in her perpetual vision, but she remained fixated on the glass. In a split second she put two and two together: the abandoned building, the dodgy audition, the unprofessional questions, the two overly friendly gentlemen, the champagne, her current state. She had been set up for something and she had been drugged. Realisation worked as a remedy to sober up, Rob had started to unhook his belt when she took in her surroundings and Jake was holding the camera on his shoulder filming. She was frozen solid, paralysed with fear of what they were going to do to her. She suddenly remembered she always kept mace in her purse.
She whipped out the canister and sprayed in all directions successfully attacking her predators. She sprinted for the door, unlocked it and ran as fast as she could. Her balance was so uncoordinated, and she tottered everywhere. Cold sweat exasperated through her body and her mouth was dry. She came to the stairs and her kneels keeled over at the first step and she fell, grazing her legs and arms on the way down. As she lay on the last couple of steps tears wept from her eyes. Her emotions were finally absorbing the situation. Seeing double she clambered down the stairs fast and made her way out the exit.
Sunlight hit her face like fire. Almost like it was trying to melt away the provoked layer of skin on her body so she could start fresh, a new person. She stood there looking up to the sky and basked in its beauty. She envied the Sun. The Sun had to be the most famous and beautiful existing thing on this planet. She hoped, when her time came, she wouldn’t join the stars in the sky; she’d join the Sun in its burning glory.
Part 2 - Visit my Profile
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Awesome story Emma! I can't wait to read the next part.
Thanks for all your comments and for reading!
I'm still trying to learn how to write stories, grasp the reader. Lot of work to be done, but it's getting easier :)
I usually don't like to read. But I was interested in this story. Made alot of sense and was really well in depth with the characters.
It's what I aim for! Relatable interest with the character, it's what usually attracts me to a book!
Thanks again!
Beautifully written, can't wait to read more!! Love the last paragraph...
"Sunlight hit her face like fire. Almost like it was trying to melt away the provoked layer of skin on her body so she could start fresh, a new person. She stood there looking up to the sky and basked in its beauty. She envied the Sun. The Sun had to be the most famous and beautiful existing thing on this planet. She hoped, when her time came, she wouldn’t join the stars in the sky; she’d join the Sun in its burning glory."
Erika! Thank you for the kind words! I want her to come across as a little fireball! Glad you enjoyed it!