
All she ever wanted, and, needed was determined by " physical relations " ! She encapsulated the blatant desire to go further, than others. Into the far reaches of pleasurable exhuberance, based on animalistic diagnosis of her habitat. He, felt he could not handle it, anymore. Due to passing years, and, energetic pursuits at his " work station. " In his mind was her tendency to metamorphosize into someone, or something, unidentifiable, as related to standard definitions, of the passion-laced " Vixen " ! He could see, in her, what had become of youthful transgression, to bring about wanton disregard of any " rules and regulations " as applied to " love-making. " The journey here, by her, had been sure and steady, he felt, to come to a place, beyond sexual belief reference points.
In the ways of the most passionate case, she fuelled her " engine " with the highest " octane " most combustible igniter, and, " exciter " ! The chemistry of her connection, to any surface, produced by intense " handling " experiences, bordering on the extremely risky,or, " risque " ! In the scheme of things, she had transformed herself into the most audacious manipulator of time, and space, to her lustful advantage. Her cravings for " terminal velocity, " it seemed, taking him beyond the edge. Of, reality. Into an unknown, unquantifiable, " racing " environment, where anything could happen, and did. Why would it not ? She had found " the heat " as well as the " meat " to supply her natural " injection syatem " ! Love enhanced by explorations into " sports " pedigree. Here, she was now happiest. Reaching the " Extremities " of endurance, and, emotional attachment. To, bring greater results, than ever expected, could be the case, considering historical precedents.
" What a woman ! " some misguided, " off the beaten track, " indecipherable bar-dweller, had communicated. Just. To, his consternation. The truth, to him, being life-threatening roads to " Ruins " where his bodily, daily, stabilizing mechanisms were tested to the optimum. How, he deliberated, did no one else see her for what she was ? A " fucking " danger, to life and limb. As well as liberty, on occasion. When, things really skidded " out of control " ! But, why would they not ? On this journey, to a destination none could identify with. Let alone comprihend ! Barr him, it seemed.
At the end, of the day, if there was to be one, the true extent of damage done would be revealed. But, would she be sorry ? He thought his fate sealed as he reflected on, and projected, his " worth " in terms of longevity, and, resolve. To, go where others, perhaps, dare not. Despite soundings to the contrary. The " Wet Pan, " at high speed, he feared, would be the death of him.
Choose, between, " Days Of Thunder " or " Le Mans " !
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