Testing, Testing.

He, killed, him. For, the sure hell, of, it. And, for, other reasons besides. In the process, he murdered any chance of being seen in a certain way. By, those outside his " crew " ! He was, now, to always be considered a threat. And, dealt with accordingly. By, his crew as well as the general public. He realized everything had changed. With a " roll, of the eyes, " as well as the dice. The power play seemed sensible. Did it, still ? Time would tell.
In his heart, of hearts, he knew this had been coming. How could it be avoided ? Due, to his nature, and capabilities, and abilities. He understood, the " gamble, " but, under pressure of others, he seemingly had no choice. It, was a " dog, eat dog " world, after all. The formula seemed clear. After, current form. By, his " competition " ! But, he still had regret. That, things should end this way. But, you have to concede to demands, when " all hell, seems to be breaking loose. " Would he find, eventually, he thought, this act to be a mistake ? He, laughed. He, saw the truth. He, already did. But, the ways of his world dictated terms. How could fate be denied ? How could this ever have been avoided ?
The " simple " life had never associated with him. As, the one, who lay before him. They, had alot in common. That, was sure. But, understood the " rules " imposed on them by convention. And, popularity ratings. The stress of " the job " had best been handled by them. With honed instincts being applied. However, each secretly, knew what would happen. At the end. Of, partnership. If, you were looked to, to protect others. When,you had " responsibilities " ! These, must be taken seriously. Otherwise, you were " dead, in the water "...or, " dead meat " !
It, was indisputable, that things had gone progressively towards the inevitable. In this, he saw the problems he would face. To survive, and, to thrive. For, as long as possible. Only, if he made " contacts " across country would anything change for him. Or, others. Giving a different perspective, on his future. Therefore, he had to do what this " dumb smuck " could not. By, finding, new sources of income,and relationships, to build stronger defences. Against fate. And, the natural order.
He, had " character " ! Which should help. But, time was of the essence. In establishing credentials, and, links, which made a difference. So, he did not flounder, in the same way. With, the passing, of time. And, aging. The " rules " were strict in their demands. Making apparent, from the earliest point in process, what had to be achieved, to offset the " natural " decline of " form. " Could he do what, this " rat " could not ?
The notion, was obvious. Determine the reason for this hit. And, exploit " the situation " to forge connections. With those either happy. Or, not. With what went on. Including this act. Foreseen, but queried. Because of " timing " ! Why was it, now ? This change. Of, sorts. Why, not earlier. or later ? What were the justifications, for his involvement ? Not only did he need to find friends. He, needed them. Obviously. Would his commitment, be a passage, to more ? Or, not ? More, determining safety, and, security. Away, from the " rules " of the streets. Friends, would find him, also. Surely ? If, he could beat expectation. And, time constraints. This, had to be seen as the beginning. And, not the beginning of the end. If, confidence, was maintained, as in this action.
Was he being tested, he pondered ? If so, by who ? It, was in all good time. that, he would determine this. And, react accordingly. Paying respect, to those who deserved, it. And, could " share " burdens of responsibility, as well as the workload, best. He, had an edge, he felt. In allies, beyond his locality. Already. Would they, come up " with the goods "....when, most necessary, to do so ? To, gain, rather than fight pain. He, had to hope, they would. Surely, now, his personal standing would overcome any doubts, about him ? With this job done. He thought, it would.
He, was wrong. " They " turned up. Sooner, rather than later. And, killed him, too. For, not being the type to be trusted. One, not loyal to the cause,or, the family ethic, or " friends " !
He was right, about one thing. He was being " tested " !
Now, it, was obvious. At, last.
See, the motion picture " Reservoir Dogs " ! If, you, have nothing better, to do.
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