It is the year 3100, in the galaxy of Andromeda there is a planet called Cassini 1142. In that planet lies a massive city filled with neon lights showing advertisement of different kinds of brands. The city is filled with very tall skyscrapers that reaches up to the sky. The main mode of transportation is by a car that has become so sufficient it uses anti-matter to fly as the people now has began to understand to create it in mass.
In this galaxy every planetary system is divided into sectors, this planet Cassini 1142 is based on sector 7 or 200 sectors that is in this galaxy. The main hub for the people around that sector 7 is city called Jericho based on Cassini 1142. It is one of the first foothold of the first explorers from the Milky way galaxy. The spaceship that propelled the first crew to land on Cassini 1142. This was made possible by combining from different planet peoples to join as one federation called the Phoenix Federation.
The ship was carrying was carrying a lot crew member up to 5000 members from researchers, doctors, mechanics up to chefs etc. The spaceship was called the Zeus as it had the five massive booster that could to jump to light in the matter of seconds as it was the first ever spaceship that used the anti-matter as a fuel. The spaceship was the only hope as the resources were getting low and population was increasing rapidly.
Zeus made his first ever voyage from Milky way galaxy to Andromeda Galaxy in March of 2700. The crew were sleeping in cold ice for 20 years that was called by spaceship Humanoid called Ark. The commander was renowned space fighter ship officer called Jericho Marshall. The planet Cassini 1142 that the city is called Jericho. In the main headquarters lies a statue about the 6 feet tall with flag of a Phoenix Federation in his left hand and saluting to the people that made the journey a success.
In this city were half of the peoples humanoid. The people and humanoid paid by using just looking in the eye that controlled almost everything. In the city crimes was getting high slowly as it was coordinated attacks by someone. It looked some kind of virus that was hard to search in this matrix of algorithm's.