Trusting Judgement.

He knew he liked her. Alot. He knew, that, was the truth. For, sure. But, he could not fully understand, why. In his heart, there was a genuine desire, to be with someone. To, be in a relationship. He wanted to be part of something. He was tired, of being on his own. He, liked company. So, this made sense. To, be with a " partner " who he could admire. Who, represented, him. In the best way possible. The problem here was he could not completely understand why he found her, the most attractive. He had been on many " dates " meeting different ladies of distinction. None, " turned, his head " like this soul. He tried to seek " rhyme, and reason " to, it.
She, was quirky, for sure. An independent thinker too. As well as someone who attempted to do the best by others. This added up to a " neat package " ! However, she was not the easiest person in the world to get along with. Even her friends said so. But, he had begun to realize her importance to him. Despite faults. He, now, contemplated why he enjoyed being with her. Withstanding, and accepting effort required, to make everything come together. And, the relationship to exhibit the stability, expected. To work. It, was in an instant, he realized, finally, " facts, of the matter " ! Consideration, had brought revelation.
He, was with her, because of the way he was. He liked interest in his life. There was no time for sitting back. To not put any effort in. The connection made more sense when he defined her wish to keep active. To, make the most of life. In every way possible. She, was much like him. But, at the outset, in fact until now, he had not seen it. This was not a case of opposites attracting. But, the reverse. He felt. Of, two souls of similar nature wanting to make the most of each day. With someone who shared, the same philosophy. Who understood, them. And, appreciated them, for who they were. " Warts, and all. "
He, had seen the light. She, was the partner, he really needed. Not only, one whom he could trust. But, one who made you look forward. To, the variety of life. As well as being involved in it. In every shape or form, imagined. How could this be wrong ? When, the profit of it, became clear. As, it had.
With each other, they, were more. Together, they had something others would describe as " special " ! He, could see her worth. He could find the value in following any path, with her. Probably, one she chose. Because he could rely on her, doing the best for him, and, by him. How good was, that ?
He sat. Pleased with himself. That, he had finally done it. Bothered to work out what he really knew all along. But, had not admitted to himself. Through some fear of commitment, instilled by others, he summized. He was happy, now. To, cast doubt to the wind. To make of his feelings for her, all he could. In his heart the truth made everything easier to come to terms with. And, appreciate, fully. Now, he realized he was ready to commit. To, life. And, a life. In a much bigger way. Which, only could be right and proper. As nobody wants to stay " rooted, to the spot " their whole lives. As they all want, and need, to develop themselves. Becoming more than they conceived. Among friends. But, especially with a " special " soul, who cared for them the most. With, their interests at heart.
He, also came to terms with reasons why she spent time with him. He comprihended her loving of him, and, for him. And, her happiness to be by his side. Through thick, or thin. Through, good or bad. Through the rough, as well as the smooth. In her eyes, he did see it. The reality. Of being here. And, what could be gained, from that. The smile of contentment was defining. And, said all there was, that, needed to be said.
He was with her now. For, as long as could be perceived. For, life. Never, had he thought he would be fortunate enough to find his " sanctuary " ! Away, from trials and tribulations, when with others. Being with her, was natural. It, made total sense. Who defies, or denies, their senses ? Rejects instinct. With understanding his place, he found what he needed. The " soulmate " to trust. Beyond words.
See, the motion picture " A History Of Violence " !
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