
He felt he was not alone. He thought there could be another, just as he was. He considered this a probability until one fine day, his reflection on life came to count for something at last. Not only in his own mind, but, in those of his colleagues. And, his workmates. The evidence of " cloning " was still being " pulled together " but at least he came to realize the truth. An " identical twin " was more than a possiblity. In fact, it was most probably assured considering the way of things, at this " Crossroads " in time and space. History brought together the relevant information to point to the existence being ready for some advances in to the field, of " hard copy " ! Without doubt.
Deliberating on " the job " and what it entailed, he sought out the soul who so aptly demonstrated his qualities. He needed " all the help, he could get " in his trade, so, turning to the composite " replica " made total sense. He completely understood significance of the gamble, to keep himself safer,but, had to make " Contact " for peace of mind. " Things " would come to a fore when in the presence of the one closest in " design " by social conditioning. He knew they would. But, he perceived the advantages of trust and loyalty, to over-ride practical considerations. The listening to " The Others " had not born fruit. So, where was the harm in following instinct ? And, common sense, as well as probably " Sixth Sense " to lift himself from stress, to become more, than he could imagine. Somehow, the " dye was cast " on careful assessment of his situation. The context before him, mirroring his own so well, gave to him a fresh outlook. And, extra besides. With, hindsight. To " seize the day " becoming predominantly clear, down the track.
The new methods espoused by his counter-part at the initial meeting, seemed to offer " tools " like never conceived before, to make work practices more efficient. And, proficient. Thus, freeing-up time, to spend " priceless " currency, apart from pressures, doing what was wanted. The foresight of another, more in tune with his thinking, leading to optimism... finally. That, everything would be all right. Even, beyond the song !! In his heart, he knew he had to " go, with the flow " to make ends meet. At last. To further his position, and standing, for longer, in the terms of endearment, associated with the nearest " friend " ! How could " brothers " get anything inappropriately calculated ? When, all considered was the doing of what is best, for sake of the relationship, like no other.
Within the " Planned Design " he saw greener pastures, full of wild flowers, throwing natures glory in front of anyone wishing to cause harm. Distraction, being deception of choice, to ward off " hard luck " with every conertation perceived ! The " Face " of stark judgements willingly tackled, without fear, or prejudice. Related, to situations arising from " the business end " of life's hard bargaining, and the " rough end, of the stick, " not reading the situation anything but correctly. To breed more worries, than otherwise would be there. Within, the normal everydaty " control " of the environment.
Not everything turned out quite as he predicted, on the team's first exploits, into foreign terrain. The assumption of better coming from this new arrival, was dealt with, in harsh realities being encountered. Especially, when authorities were called to investigate the profile, or " fingerprint, " left at the scene, of industrial intervention, which need not be disclosed. At anytime. The problems, though, did make for hilarious story-telling of what can go on, and not come off, for evidence of a " quirk, of fate " playing the cruel hand. Not, to be kind, of course ! In the summing up of resulting complications, as well as the counting of rewards for " the job. " Any could see the benefit of turning the errors, to your favour. And, taste of victory. For, sake of survival. He, after the event, deliberated his reasoning. He, found himself admiring the extra effort which had to go into achieving what was desired. And, made an encouraging observation, on proceedings, as related to the past. Inefficiency, was fitness. And, good training, for the next " big push " ! Into the unknown quantity. He liked the way things had come to pass. Though, he did feel he was now living " in a box, " as none had found time, to speculate upon. " The Great Escape " was embraced, then and there, as lessons were learnt. To foster truth. Of, what is considered right. And, what is wrong. On, a case by case basis.
See, " Training Day " ! Obviously ?
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if i understand this poem
its about Stan laurelÂ
am i rightÂ
No, not, is a " written work " ( NOT POEM ) relating to a fictional character, intent on improving his lot, but, finding nothing is as straight forward as it seems. When, life, and " quirks, of fate " or chance within unexpected encounters/events intervene. To, leave the outcome of your efforts, not as you foresaw ! It, is not intended to be a comedy, but, there is " The Dark " humour to it. Why, would that not be ? :) Considering, what can happen, anywhere, anytime !! You, have to try to make the most, of it. While it lasts. Do you think ?
RESPECT FATED INTERVENTIONS...into your world. Accept realities. ENJOY HEALTH AND HAPPINESS, while they dominate. Take care.
:) :)