
Throughout the journey, in " The Dark " days, of bitter, and sometimes twisted, conflict he had learnt to " survive. " With comrades by his side doing all they could to aid chances, when confronted by their personal threatening menace. The adaptation of the soul to withstand the most heanous attacks on integrity, or stability, seemingly justified over the course of events. And, histories. Naturally. Will to be there, at the end, through " Unbreakable " resolve, clear to anyone who dared admit to his, or their, way of " Staying Alive " in the " thick of it. " The eternal struggle becoming, over time, a deeply unsettling experience, testing every facet of the male psychological profile. The order of strategic defences broken down by enemy positioning, like no other, keeping precedent intact. The deterioration in the once successful, but, obviously flawed conditioning, to attempt to last any pace, of advanced action, giving rise to the neurosis of the " sickened " ailing mindset. Losing credibility gradually. As everything related to life, or something like it, decayed beyond the belief system of any " trained soldier " !
When, finally, facts were faced by him, before the rest, he knew his " time had come " ! To, acknowledge how the past, again and again, had truly shown how " things " are meant to be. And, how eventually, without fail, the strongest will be turned into quivering wreckage. At the hands of a skilled opposition, with nothing but contempt for poor command structures, and simplistic plans, to avoid inevitable tiredness, in front of superior tactical prowess. Designed at the end of " fighting capability " to send a message, like no other, to those who did not have " the metal " when it really mattered. The " Crimes Of Passion " on the battlefield, of any choosing, delivering a payload, beyond any munitions used anywhere. The effects of long-term manipulation, of assets, giving the foe a distinct edge. Which he just could not cope with. Nor, his " friends " ! Even when " push came to shove " ! When, all recovery was impossible, due to less-than-shrewd reliance on compliance with heroic " last ditch " " backs against the wall " resistance. Beyond, the enemies vision of futile.
Mission statements made little difference, to the scales being tipped, here, as he, and they, evolved to the best of their ability, but, found no refuge in the use of the camouflages of self-preservation. To try to give the greatest opportunity of success. Against all odds, really. Within, the designated " combat zone " none, especially they, could ever deny stretched " reality. " And, its rough shod methodology of creating " The Bitch " over the course of relationships, strained by unseen limitations. Focusing attention away from whatever it was which mattered most. To the " average " " G.I. Joe " doing his damned best, to sustain. When, everything was stacked against him. Physically, and mentally. Whatever formation was conceived to give vent to false dawns, and false optimism. Based on self-confidence coming from " out of nowhere " in particular. Defined as a wonder within the " Natural World " and its grandiose options, leaving no stone unmoved, to bring about " destiny " ! With all its repercussions, to processes of change. Which made absolute power, or reflection in any waters, of any sea, tragically redundant. After, every play envisaged had been made. To, give description, as well as crystal-clear, evidence of the seedy side of conflicts. And the " dirty games " some get involved in to get ahead.
Did he, or they, understand, from the offset, what they were getting into ? Really ?