We Fat Men Have A New Comeback line

We Fat Men Have A New Comeback line
Any one out there get tired of people making fun of your weight problem. Well thanks to Bruce Jenner making sex reassignment the new fad. We fat men have a new comeback line we can use that will make a rude person feel bad about them self for making fun of our roundness.
So when some one call me A Fat Ass,I tell them it’s not my fault I didn’t know I had gotten pregnant before I had my sex change operation.
Written By Stephen J. Vattimo
Aug 25,2015
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A story short but full of important issues, the issue of fatness always lends itself to a very interesting debate. Obesity is not healthy, but there are many genetic factors that lead to obesity, a person prone to overweight should take a very balanced diet and try to do some exercise, that enough, life has been fat and skinny people. Says the author who people makes fun of fat people, those people not worth having them in mind, often uneducated people that since children made them believe that they were very good-looking, and in their homes have no mirrors. A greeting.