You and me That’s the thing with you, and me, People presume that they know best....
My heart aches in pain As Theirs do the same Trying to figure out who is (A) (A) just...
Nature has power. Emotions are powerful. Love has the greatest power. Words have power...
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Beauty on the outside is only skin deep, While Beauty on the inside runs for miles, So why is...
Half not whole, mind and soul. Lurching ever forward, stumbling, crawling. Sensibility...
If I was at the top of Earth , and you on it's bottom . I would walk across the seemingly endless surface...
I would like to share with you something I learned...
What's that Sparrowsong?
If you find...
As her weary, hardened glare did collide with those mesmerizing, fickle, duplicitous eyes for a second time...
february 14th
today was a good day i spent it with Ryan or my significant other, as i call him. We...
I can feel the roaring flame in your soul
The will to keep going when no one else will
So these are my thoughts On love and on life I'll shout it out to the world That when...
To my family, of poetic heart.
Those new friends I've made, for this is just a start.
There is no need for anything but your burning love.
That is all this yearning soul has been...
Why aren't you eating?
"Your skin & bones."
Why are you stuffing your Face?
You see, you make me wanna write,
You make wanna write words
So sweet and on the other...
Ye of little faith
Doubted Patriot Power
Who is crying now?
Lo Ran Zen
Commingling void strata pamplemousse, argon, rat race Inglewood.
Hip crunk dizzy shallot eavesdrop...