Beneath a canopy of stars
In a circus tent of magic and imagination 🎪
There was once a magic Harlequin in the Greatest Circus of all. His name was Sam and he was the funniest...
While walking by the swaying trees, I note the dance of rustling leaves. They fall and dress...
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We made a model, architecture students make models, it was brown plywood, monochrome, okay for...
Rainbows end where dreams begin on sea, on land or in the air .. Love rules, peace reigns,...
A tummy not tied in knots. A smile as long and everlasting as the colours. No fight flight or...
A golden rainbow of dreams A golden rainbow rich in dreams and high hopes High hopes for a...
Angel wings. Do you see what I call me ? Of the truth and lies in my eyes ? Can you...
The highest heavens opened up yon floodgates in the shrouded skies
As Mother nature sighed and...
Rainbow of hope Rainbow of peace Rainbow of dreams Rainbow of friendship ...
Buzzing ‘round like a blowfly who’s been boozing all day and decided to take the old girl out for twirl....
In the dirty rain I hear your voice Along with the water running down the drive I sense the...
A rainbow in heaven filled with glowing angels 🌈 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇 Shining with light and hope...
Have you ever seen the rain? When it falls like it is a gifted intelligence Getting into all...
Your world your reality is shaped to what you profess what you...
A mirror image of the spectrums reflection bounces off the glass and redirects itself as the brightness...
Way betwixt April showers and a sizzling, scorching sun
An arch of seven pretty colours has...