Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen born at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch, New...
THE PIANO MAN When you're going through horrendous times And can't sleep keep hearing wind...
Some guy in the subway with an old five string, battered guitar .. Just nailed...
Beethoven strode out on to the lawn and wrote Moonlight sonata, my brother played it up and down...
I will always remember the day when my mother made me listen to this song for the first time. I...
This chameleon, purveyor of many styles, trailblazed through decades.
Miles Davis was the King of Cool. His vibrant improvisations Brought such rich colours to...
I always cry when I happen to see his face The untidy clothes he wears always out of place ...
No one could compare to such a great voice, not a comparison, there was really no choice; ...
Tip tappety tap goes Mr Bojangles
Spotlighting his feet in sparkling spangles
As his legs...
Lyricist & composer: Li Ziheng Arranger: Wang Yumin Translated by Yiyan Han (c) 2021-11-...
Material Girl Queen of pop Looked on with faint ridicule now Forgotten , the pioneer...
"I Got A Name" and I share it with Jim, This, about Jim Croce, and dedicated to him! His,"...
The king Not a royal, Yet he was a king, Rocking and rolling, You sang...
Lady sings the blues, acknowledged as Billy Holiday. A jazz singer with pizazz. Her elegance and...