Ambassador Topic -

Five Senses

Latest entries

Poem -

A meadow for Autumn

A meadow for Autumn

Forest, I lay me down to rest
upon bed of moss.
Eternal sleep immediately overtakes me...

Poem -



Clear water springs
Flowing streams into valleys
Treacherous at times
Air weak,...

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Delightfully Angelic

Angel delight

Delightfully Angelic

Full bodied pink foam engorged hopelessly in solid high walled earthenware.
Hard stainless steel...

Poem -

Lulled to sleep courtesy...

Lulled to sleep courtesy white noise of the fan

Onset of first 2023 heatwave
found yours truly lulled to sleep
courtesy rattle and hum...

Poem -

Locked In His Own World

Locked In His Own World

I hear you - I'm not totally immune, like my son,
you could hear his world coming full of tinkly fun...

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Your body is like a mirror
Reflecting the sensation, not the image
A perfect replica of each...

Poem -

Visuals Behind

Hallucinations that occur in the dark,
Sparks of neurons shining like constellations

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I left you
to think straight
never regretted it
during hustle and bustle


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The Affinity Of Rhyme

The Affinity Of Rhyme

Words of a poet are expressions within..
Capturing your interest and drawing you closer in.


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Eastern Daylight Time

Eastern Daylight Time

Autumnal equinox 2022 -
Thursday, September 22
in Northern Hemisphere 9:03 PM

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A mountain’s edges,
moonlit, Jupiter the ruler −
truffles awaken

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Trifolium pollinated...

Trifolium pollinated courtesy bombus

Before landscapers mow swaths
across undulating waves of clover
(the father/daughter team...

Poem -

Lonely Night

Lonely Night

It started by watching a movie
somehow I heard a good song
a couple of beers, a moment of...

Poem -

Helianthus annuus,...

Helianthus annuus, heliotropic slow son dance

Stream of photons bathe
top heavy fountainhead of sunflower.

Analogous to Atlas

Poem -

So Eager

So Eager

A Robin can hear the grass as it grows
They sense a worm as it wiggles
wouldn’t it be nice...