Poem -

April 6th and 7th poems

april 6th and April 7th poems for April Poetry Month

April 6th and 7th poems

The Mist from Hell Descends on the land

the mist settles down on the land
the mist is from hell
the mist covers us all
the scent of death

the grim reaper
rides behind the miss
infecting those around him

the mark of death
as the mist covers the land
the end of the world
comes with the mist from hell

Conversation with the Gods About Corona Virus
Rev. Jake ā€™s on-line sermon on the Corona Virus

I am reverend Jake and I have a message from God
Last night I had a vision from God
it was his message to the world
about this pandemic we are facing

I found myself in a large room
Jehovah, God, was sitting in the middle
surrounded by the other Gods
they were all there

Jesus on his right
Allah on his left
Buddha behind him
Ganesh, Shiva, Kali
Mohammed, Joseph Smith and other prophets
Gabriel and other angels abound
St Peter in front of his as his Chief of Staff
Zeus, Jupiter, Minerva and ancient
other gods all around him

God spoke up
He said
I have a message for you
to give to your people
all of your people

no matter what religion
or no religion at all
it is all one after all

first the corona virus
is a natural phenomenon
we have no control
over forces of nature

and we did not send
it to you
to punish you
for homosexuality
or anything else at all

Second obey the health directives
stay at home
do your services on line
it is okay with us
we are fine with that

the blood of Jesus
will not save you
If you are in a crowded place
like church or a mosque service
the virus will spread
and catch you in the end

Prayers alone will not save you
but please keep praying
we do listen to your prayers
but we can only do so much

So please donā€™t allow the virus
to spread
because of your ignorance
and fear

realize that in the end
the virus will do its thing
and you will survive

and we
all the gods here
love you humans

and wish you well
so stay at home
practice self-distancing

It is Godā€™s will
all will survive

The Moment that changed my Life sonnet format

the moment that changed my life
occurred in late August 1982
when the woman of my dreams
came out of my dreams
walking off a bus
and into my life
a few months later became my wife
first dreamt of her in 1979
back in my high school day
and I knew that some day
I would meet the woman
in my dreams
and I did and that changed my fate
when I met her that date

we must walk on an honest path in these dangerous times
we must walk the path of honesty in these dark dangerous times

In these dark dangerous days
we must walk on the path
of honesty and truth
if we donā€™tĀ 
we wonā€™t have a remote chance
of living through these end days
based on pensvity 101 prompt using the words path, honesty and remoteĀ Ā©Ā 3 hours ago, john Cosmos Aller

are evil creatures
from outer space

who can understand
their alien thoughts
where they came from
and why are they here

are they part of an advanced team
will the cats some day
take over the world
and turn us into their slaves

I have no answer
but when I see the cats
staring at me

I am afraid
very afraid
of the cats

God's Confession

I was sitting along
In a god forsaken bar
Somewhere on the lunatic fringes
Of society

On the bad part of town
Over by railroad tracksĀ 
Heading to hell
As fast as I could drink it down

Enjoying my lonely drink
Drinking by my lonesome self
With my partners
Jimmy Dean, and the Walker brother
And his old Granddad
Just drinking and hanging
With the Jack Daniel's gang

A crazed bum
With a thousand year stare
Walks up to me

He begins
Muttering to himself
Nutty nonsense
Crazy words
In a lunatic's voice

He had the look
Of one possessedĀ 
By his own demons
That only he can see
Or hear
Possessed by a secret knowledge
Only he knew

Despite myself
I was fascinatedĀ 
By this lunatic's tale

So I stopped himĀ 
And said
So what's your game

The short little dude
Stopped his insane prattle
Starting at me
With that thousand year old stare

Just another washed up
Too many drugs
Too many bad nights
On the wrong side of life

He looked at me
And proclaimed his story

He reared up
And filled up the room
And lifted the bar
On his finger
And stared down at me
From the sky

And said
Since you asked
I am God
The alpha and Omega
The real deal
The original dude of dudes
The sultan of Swing
God of hosts
And father of that Jesus dude

But no one knows meĀ 
Any more
No one cares
They think I am irrelevant
They think I am dead
They think I am a fairy tale
From some olden, ancient time

Some say I am dead
Others think I should be dead
That my work is done

I looked at him
Carefully now
And what did I see
An old man
With that lunatic look
But there was something else

He was crazy
Sure yes
But perhaps he was the real deal

I mean why not
Why would not God be
A lunatic wandering around loose
Talking to low lives like me
In a bar
On the way to hell

So I looked at him
And invited him to share
His tale of woe

God tells me
Well, it's like this

Many a year ago
People believed in me
But one day
They quit believing in me
And they went on without me

As they left meĀ 
My powers got weaker and weaker
And so eventually I became
What you see today

A broken down drunk
Hanging outĀ 
Looking for a hand out
Looking for some company
Or at least a free dinner

And he laughed and laughed
And I looked at him
And saw the beginnings of the end
And the ends of the beginnings

I saw a million planetsĀ 
Flash byĀ 
A billion people
A trillion sentient beings
Thinking all at once
Thoughts filled my head
Lights flashed
And I knew
He was telling the truth
But it did not matter
In this day and age
Of materialism

God has no role
God is truly dead
And so I bought him a drink
And walked out of the bar
Profoundly sadden by what I had seen

God was dead
And we had all conspiredĀ 
To kill him

Long live God
what happens when you meet God in a barĀ Ā©Ā 5 years ago, john Cosmos Aller Ā Ā spiritualĀ ā€¢Ā misc3Ā 

Drinking My Way to the Highway to Hell

it seems to me
in these dark days
that we are on the path
to hell

as the virus chases all
Satan is smiling
at the spreading chaos

the dogs of war
are unleashed
spreading panic
as more people die

and as the gate of hell
open in front of us
we are all rushing down
the path to hell

and so I sit
in a bar
twenty drinks too sober
drinking my way to hell

Capitol Hill in the Spring *
*Published Writerā€™s Newsletter June 2017

Sitting on a bench
In Lincoln Park

Heart of Capitol Hill
Beating heart of the Empire
On a warm Spring Day

Watching the Cherry trees
Watching Me

Wondering what thoughts
They must have heard
The things they have seen
Over the years

But they are quiet
They do not say a word
As I fall into my spring time dreams
Sitting on that bench

Seeing the children and dogs play
Looking at Spring flowers
And pretty women
As they stroll by
Hearing the sounds of the city
As I dream of my past life
Memories of places and people

I said to myself
What a wonderful life

Under the canopy of the pine trees we lay - from the poem 'Under the canopy of pine trees

under the canopy of the pine trees we lay
along the world peace forest
in Korea

walking the forest
in the spring time
fearing the corona virus
and everyone around us

watch the snowing cherry trees
and the wind whispering
the voices of ghosts
those newly dead

and we lay down
under the canopy of the pine trees
waiting for our turn
to face the grim reaper

in this dismal day
in April
truly the cruelest month
of them all

poetry soup contest
Tuesday AprilĀ  7
Smartest Man in the World
our dear leader
claims he is the smartest
man in the world
a stable genius
has good words
knows more than generals
knows more than doctors
should have been a doctor
only he can fix
what ails the world
for he is the greatest
genius in the world
like his Ā friend the dear leader of North Korea
but in fact he is among the most stupid men
to ever serve as our President

trump is the poster child for the Dunning-Kruger Effect effect don't you think?Ā  all poetry contest to write a poem about the Dunning-Krueger Effect

great leader Tiger Jade Poem

Our leader
great leader
Claims he is the smartest man in the whole universe
surely he is the most searched man in the googleverse
perhaps though he is proof of manā€™s evolution
Darwinian selection working devolution
stupid is
stupid does

based on writers.com prompt to write a Tigerjade poem

weasels words are the mental traps we set for ourselves

we are surrounded by weasel words
mental traps we set for ourselves
to shut down all rational discussion
in truly Orwellian fashion

these words are legend
everyone uses them
no one thinks about them
what they really mean

I had no choice
of course, one always has a choice

Failure is not an option
nothing but macho BS
of course failure is always an option
that one must be prepared to face

and my favorite
zero tolerance
which converts
all violations of the Rules
into class A murder like felonies

and common sense and discretion
thrown out the window
under the proverbial bus

where the full SWAT
Imperial storm troopers
Robot cops are deployed
to arrest a teenage girl

her crime giving a classmate
a Tylenol which is a legal drug

but under zero tolerance
that is the same as selling heroin

and she will be charged
with a class A drug offense
following her around
for her life

for having dared
to break the stupid rule

yes weasel words
are everywhere

our mental traps
designed to keep us
from thinking
and acting

so throw off your mental traps
break free from the weasel words
and perhaps we can be free
of these mental traps

writers digest prompt- to write a trap poem

the day I met the love of my life was a fine late August day

the day I met the love of my life
who became my wife
was a late August day
in South Korea

as Koreans put it
the sky is high
my horses are fat
and the king is far away

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haneul-i nopda
mal-eun ttungttunghada
wang-eun meolliissda

in late August early September
the weather turns in Korea
the humid sauna like temperatures
begin to abate

cool breezes cool the air
the sky is high
crystal clear
just a few clouds

the temperatures moderate
high in the 80ā€™s low in the 60ā€™s
just wonderful weather

the promise of nice fall weather
in the air
the killing heat of the summer
abates and dies down

and on such a lovely date
I met my fate
she walked out of my dreams

and into my life
and became my wife

during the brilliant
Autumn of Korea
before the winter
settled down on the land

To this day
when the autumn comes
I recall the halcyon date
when I met my fate

poetry super highway daily April Prompt to write a weather report poem
and based on my true love storyĀ  Ā for details see my web pageĀ  https://theworldaccordingtocosmos.com

to those I have lost
with the corona virus upon us
I am bracing to hear the news
that so and so has died
I reflect back
on all the people in my life
that I have already lost
part of being older
is that you lose people
close to you along the way
I lost my father due to cancer in 1985
and my sister due to a freak illness in 2007
and my mother due to Alzheimer's in 2005
and my father-in-law as well in 2007
Demel Tucker
high school debate teammate
dead of HIV in 1995
Julian Bartley and his son
one of my favorite bosses
died in a terrorist bombing
in Nairobi in 1998
Jon Weber college roommate
dead due to prostate cancer
in 2000
Paul SimonĀ  friend from the visa line
dropped dead of a heart attack
in 2004
Ted Halstead
one of my best bosses
died of heart attack
in 2007
Chris Richard one of my former bosses
dropped dead of a heart attack
shortly before we were due
to have lunch in 2014
and so many others
I have lost
along the way
and soon there will be
so many more
as I get old
in the corona era
writer. com daily dew drop prompt to write an elegy poem

TheĀ  Giant Nazi Spider Speaks
General Zero
the commander of the Khan imperial forces
took over the earth
was a eight foot giant spider
accompanied by two legged rats
and two legged cats
in 24 hours they were in charge
he spoke to the world
People of earth greetings
I am commander Zero
and I have taken over your planet
making it part of the Galactic Empire
we did it because it is our destiny
to take over the universe
one planet by one planet
and everyone becomes
part of the great galactic empire
there are only a few rules
for you to remember
starting today you will learn Galactic standard
within one year all other languages will be banned
starting today all religions are banned
for in the Galactic empire
we have no room for some nonsense
everyone must work
if you are disabled or elderly
your family must take care of you
if you have no one to take care of you
you will be terminated as an ā€œuseless eaterā€
failure to follow the rules or laws
or lawful orders
will result in your immediate execution
that is all for today
Long live the Empire
writers. comĀ  daily dew drop contest challenge to write a poem incorporating a plot from a novel or story and I chose to base it on the opening scene of my novel, ā€œGiant Nazi Spidersā€

Life is A Dream of Chocolate Covered Trees
life is a dreamĀ  of chocolate covered trees
makes me so hungry to eat the trees
dark brown chocolate covered trees
as I eat them I hear the crunch of the leaves
and smell the dark chocolate smells
feeling the leaves in my mouth
as I touch the chocolate covered trees
filled with the sound of chocolate
enjoying the chocolate
with my wife Angela Lee
she turns to me and says
Jake Cosmos Aller
based on national poetry month April 6th prompt

We live in an Orwellian world
we are living
in an Orwellian 1984 world
and have been for decades
we are assaulted daily
by alternative realties
promoted by various politicians
designed to shut down
all rational thought
true Orwellian thought control
and now with the corona virus
massive surveillance
has become the norm
and when the crisis is over
the surveillance will continue
on one excuse after another
forever as Orwellā€™s nightmare
big brother ruling us all
comes true
based on the fear that the massive increase in social surveillance being deployed against the Corona virus will after the crisis is over continue forever under one excuse or another as the Orwellian big brother dictatorships around the world become permanent

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Terry Reeves

If you want to write such a protracted tirade -
I would respectfully suggest that you try
to not write it here.

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