Poem -

Chemical Soup 2

Wave poem

Chemical Soup 2

Missing these
Thoughts. We`re trying to
Talk. But the worlds a mess
And the gaps to broad.
Maybe I should confess,
Can’t fight with
My sword

Thoughts with no
Opinions seem like meaningful
Interactions, because nowadays we are
Only fractions. A percentage. A
Chemical reaction. Of
Seemingly silent

In soup
Just to brew forever.
Never to be heard of - Goo
In a dark corner
Bubbling away

How bout
A different point
Of view. I have said
This once. Long time? True
But landscape brings a perspective new
And in a world disconnected
Surely it could only
Only do

Some good.
Rid the covers of bed bugs
Before these long-found butterflies
Just transform briefly 

To garden slugs.
The Fish of the Sea.

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Whispering Dream

Very interesting write, very interesting indeed. Well done, really well put and I like the little bit of messiness I n the typing style. 

The fish of the sea

Awww thanks so much! I like to engage in thought-provoking reads. I apologise about my grammar sometimes! :) Usually its for expression more than convention. Lol. I`m really glad you liked it. Kind regards to you. Smiles your way! 

Tony Taylor

Holy Crap FISH!!......you have found a VOICE.......that which the truest of  poets cannot thrive without.......with your intent and your phrasing existing equally......at the same level of discontent....friggin' excellent work ~

                ~ "Opinions seem like meaningful interactions,
                    Because nowadays we are only fractions,
                    A percentage. A chemical reaction.
                    Of seemingly silent, inaction..."

This is profoundly insightful......it's in the INACTION.....it's in this self-awareness that sets this phrasing ablaze brother......it's your minds eye that spotted this.......and its in your sense of the poetic where this stanza has bloomed into the seedlings......into that potential ART that you spoke of in mine....ALL STARS & PINNED!!.......keep 'em comin' dear poet brother!!......LOVE & ROCKETS!!......T xo  : )


The fish of the sea

Awww... Oh Tony your comments always make me smile. It also makes me a bit self-conscious that I don`t repay you. I really have not much time at the moment and are only working barebacks on Cosmos. That aside, really you brighten up my day. 

You managed to absolutely nail my inspiration/core verse that I structured this one around though! And I`m so glad you enjoyed it...

Seems like there is more inaction in our world than ever before, or perhaps it's the pandemic that has brought that to the floor? All very interesting my friend...

Again your enthusiasm gives me the motivation to keep reading and writing. So thank you once more. Your friend and Fan. FISH


Magic Bellmore

Wow, amazing write! Ive been MIA for a while and jeez I am glad to be back to read all your amazing writes! Great Job!

The fish of the sea

XD its fine Bell and thank you so much! You know, besides the big VIPs, your one of the longest commenters on my work, so it really means a hell of a lot! Hope your travels/break away from Cosmos have gone or are going well. Stay safe and smiles. Your friend, and biggest fan. Max

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