The first time ever I saw your face, The world stood still in soft embrace.
The sky grew...
SPRING The first bud to greet dawn and leap into the arms of life will develop leaves if the...
I know you don't want to cry anymore.
For your sake, I wish that as well.
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The night laments It cannot see the birds adorning the sky like a feathery canvas, ...
There is a special bandage, between Sisters and Brothers, we're all in a world, where we are all held in a...
The Heart to Heart...
The Pizza and the Topping?
Part of Opposites attraction?
Leaning on an old wood fence letting the breeze blow around me. The sky above is clear and...
In his point of view, do not toy, on what he's trying to do, sometimes he vision's on a futuristic view,...
When he found her she was lost and so very broken .. Yet she wanted him to...
Mark these words well, I once had a thing about each of the following
wristwatches cheese...
I will never recoil. Not amongst such wonders of a face. Amid a boiling point, desperation...
Beyond the fields of the 3rd dimension,
Lives a freak with a red complexion,
His roll to...
The hardest part is sometimes you can experience the best times of your life, whilst experiencing...
Greeting someone Showing gratitude towards others Holding open a door Not throwing...
the precious gift of friendship in the state of being (not just staying) is...
In this dark and twisted world that's slowly falling apart. Crippling away into basically nothing. Nothing...
He heard the whisper A subtle sweet voice whispered in his ear He felt the touch and warmth...