Poem -



I come  from England, so you see
I really love my cup of tea.
No matter what disasters fall
if worlds collide,
above it all
will be the pot… 
still warm and brewing,
makes us forget
we’re facing ruin.
The Cup that warms
is what they say,
We like it warmed
10 times a day.
The world banks crash.
Disease is rife,
and unemployment causes
and if the worst should happen then,
 we’ll  just brew up
 and start again.

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Nine Eleven

Can't beat a cup of tea. 

I was reading an article recently about the psychological effects of a cup of tea, if you want to discuss a matter of say, time off with your boss, be sure they are holding a warm cup of tea or coffee, statistics show they will be more sympathetic to your request. 

Great poetry, as always. 



What a brilliant suggestion!!! I wonder if it works with husbands as  well?? Thanks for reading and your lovely comment Gerard
Lodigiana x

Tony Taylor

Hey LO!!.....even though this may (at first glance) come across as a simple and quite charming piece on the comfort that a cup of tea brings.....for me there's the underlying power that a cup of tea brings......it not only comforts.....but it can control a room......it can turn the tide of negotiations.....it can serve as an extremely effective distraction when other motivations are at hand......Churchill once said....."A fine cup of tea can turn the tide of war!"......I LOVE this piece for its subtle and beautifully profound simplicity!!.....ALL STARS!!.....great stuff dear poet sister!!......LOVE & ROCKETS!!......T xo  : )


How lovely to hear from you my dear friend xxx Tea is a universal solace bringer isn't it? No matter the problem   ..once sitting down with a warm cup of comfort, things look and feel immediately better don't they? And you are right about it controlling a room..in a subtle way it does- as there is the almost  ritual pouring and offering to everyone and it strangely provides at that point a common ground for everyone..the sharing and absorbing  of the warming atmosphere. and the moments just waiting  to drink gives everyone an opportunity to think about the words they will be speaking- .I had never really thought of it in those terms before but that's absolutely right!!! As always a wonderfully measured and insightful view that I know I can always rely on you to provide Tony. Stay well, safe and happy always.
Lodigiana xx

Being Me

A cup of tea!  Oh, I LOVE tea. It's always the perfect time for a cuppa. In front of the TV? Definitely.   Just back from shopping? Stick the kettle on!   Upset? Sooo needed.   With dinner? Absolutely.   After a hard day? You bet.  I drink sooo much tea (as you have probably guessed by now ?). Brilliant, fun poem. And I love it x


You are so right..I love my cuppa and with a chocolate digestive or a garibaldi biscuits I am probably in my own personal heaven!  So pleased you enjoyed it hun..we all need a bit of a smile sometimes don't we ?Thank you so much - Stay well and safe my lovely
Lodigiana x


Thank you so much Linda, always happy if someone has enjoyed my piece
Lodigiana x

Yiyan Han

Aha! Dear Lady, How about a cup of tea
One for you n one for me
Do be careful as
Your poetry steams


A a cup of tea is such a soothing balm in these troubled times...I will drink one virtually with you any time my friend. thank you so much for reading and your comments.

Yiyan Han

Yeah you got it, and I usually have a pot of tea, also coffee to keep me going as well ;)

Yiyan Han

The very first thought spun in my mind when reading the very 1st line "I come  from England" -- England's rose!

Shaun Cronick

Lodigiana make mine an Assam and I'll supply the biccies, grannie's cake and don't be shy when it comes to dunking!
Another fun and great read with a beat and flow that only you can deliver.
And good grief! Only 10 times a day, why the British Empire (what's left of it) could collapse.
Thank you, thank you and not forgetting thank you for all your moral and great support here and elsewhere. You are a tower of poetry strength and a poetic rock. For without you I would not be here among so many good people and your good self.
Take care my friend and as always, I wish you well.



Well how can one refuse Grannie's cake?!!! and as for dunking well surely there is absolutely no other way? The thanks go to you my friend for your constant support and encouragement  and I am so pleased that you have found a warm welcome within the Cosmo family ..and how lucky we are to have you! 
Happy reading, dunking, drinking and writing  Shaun! 
Lodigiana x

Shaun Cronick

Thanks Lodigiana and a warm welcome indeed as I sit here tonight enjoying your poetry revisiting some and discovering more beautiful poetry gold.
And as I sit here truth be told I have a cuppa of P G Tips and sadly not a cup of glorious Assam. For a higher power forgot to replenish
Ah well you can't have everything!!
But who needs tea to enjoy when there's your beautifully soothing poetry.

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