Poem -

Darkness of Light

Darkness of Light

Stressing out and feeling depressed is all that holds over the skies.
In and out the bodies soul, clinging thy mortal heart.
I bleed the pain of not having that immortal soul.
To die, the way you were born.
To live in the Darkness and die by the Light.
For Light and Darkness are just basic natural phenomena’s;

Symbolic or Metaphorical

Often, we equated with the pairs of Being and Non-Being.
Shall one restore command to the primordial chaos and world order?
I see Darkness as a mysterious impenetrable ground, but a source of Light.
As Light will become associated with creation.
But are we the stillness of silence?

Strength and Vividness

Strength impulses us to believe, “We are not meant to ask but have faith”.
For the more grief we sense, the more reason we partake.
Therefore, the dance between Darkness and Light will always remain ---
Where Darkness will not be worth surviving without the moon and stars;
Light will not be worth living without the sun and clouds.

Believing yet Denying

There is no denying evil in the world, but Light will conquer Darkness.
We don’t inspire hope, but only the faith of our shadows.
It’s up to us to find the Light of our words, and not the hate of our hearts.
Like a famous writer once appraised, “Evil cannot be vanquished by evil;
Darkness will only swallow Darkness. For the strongest weapon of all shadows is Light”.

But in the end, even though we are surround by Darkness yet enfolded in Light!

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