
Withered leaves,
swirling in a virulent vortex —
trapped by crumbling, ancient walls.
Whispered wisps of silken cobwebs
adorned with decomposing husks –
ephemeral gossamer ghosts of insects –
shudder and shiver with a new life, of sorts,
as Death breathes an apathetic sigh.
Death resides here.
His putrid pall hangs heavy.
No one can stop him.
He has dominion over time itself.
Realms of darkness
where no light is allowed entry
hold horrifying secrets...
Slithering, unseen things
too repulsive to comprehend
invade the flesh of humanity.
Death holds court underground.
Judge, jury...executioner;
none are spared
his final earthly feast.
Creeping, Death
slithers like the serpent
which once bade Mankind taste of bitter fruit —
and devoured us.
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very dark and mysterious,
"Death resides here.
His putrid pall hangs heavy.
No one can stop him.
He has dominion over time itself.
Realms of darkness
where no light is allowed entry
hold horrifying secrets..."
nice write Dean <3
Thank you very much for reading Decay, Jaelyn.
I'm very grateful for your feedback.
~Dean ღ
I'm there, I'm reading it over and over and I'm there, surrounded by the crumbling walls and ghost insects, it feels like depression but worse, it reminds me of a film called " what dreams may come" the scene when Robin Williams finds his wife residing in the depts of hell, it's amazing but desperately dark, also like the dementors in Harry potter, by being around them you never feel happy again but I feel something, I feel " nothing". Amazing poem Dean. I'm a big movie fan incase your wondering.
Dean mate, you really need to write a full on horror novel. Ghosts of insects, Brilliant.
Thank you, Nigel. I sincerely appreciate the read and your comments!
I am currently working on a collection of short horror stories which I hope to have published by Halloween.
Wish me luck and have a fantastic weekend.
~Dean ツ
Had a great weekend Dean so only just got back to Internet land. I look forward to the collection mate