Poem -

Deep Thoughts Challenge

Deep thinking about... The End Is Nigh

The End Is Nigh!Ā  As a kid I found those words quite frightening. The end of the world was happening and it was all scary horsemen and fire (lots and lots of fire). God was going to judge us and I was terrified because once, when I was six, I had pinched some sweets from the pick and mix when my mum wasn't looking and the shop lady was busy with a customer. I didn't think anything of it at the time. I mean, I knew it was wrong but the taste of those illicit chocolate mice far outweighed any sense of guilt I should've felt. But seeing myself in the Dock surrounded by tut tutting angels and God's thunderous voice bellowing at me, "Thou shalt not steal!" made me quiver with fear. I didn't want to go to Hell. It was a big thing, a huge thing. I was scared.

Then I grew up a bit and realised that, yes, the world wasĀ going to end one day (everything does) but that day wasn't any time soon. Some scientist guy on the TV said so. He said something about the sun getting bigger and swallowing us all up. It was definitely going to happen but we were were all good for a long while yet. For another few million years or so, apparently.

Then I grew up a bit more and the whole end of the world thing slipped my mind for a bit as I got interested in boys and discovered sex. It was a pretty wild time (actually, there was nothing pretty about it) and suddenly the ill gotten gains of the pick 'n' mix didn't seem so bad. I probably wouldn't be sent down for those chocolate mice, but fornication? That was a biggy, and God was going to have a field day with me over that. Those angels were going to do more than tut-tut. Anyway, I digress.

Recently, with the pick'n'mix incident as good as wiped off my 'card' and the wild child days left far behind me in the dim and distant days of youth (not too dim and distant, I might add), I have come to my own theories on the way that the world will end. I am a lot older and much more world savvy. I also happen to know that everyone has fallen foul of the "Thou shalt not steal" law at some point or other (and an awful lot of those at the Pick'n'mix). Among my deepest thoughts are the ones on the demise of poor old Gaia. I know that the world will end a lot sooner than scientists claim. I also know that it will be the scientists themselves that will be the culprits.

This is how it will happen.

There will be four scientists locked in a secret vault conducting a highly classified and extremely dangerous experiment. So dangerous that an error as slight as a .000000000000000000000001 of a mini micro millimetre, or mmm, as these scientists say, (usually at around lunchtime when all the measuring is done) will lead to atom 'A' touching atom 'B'. And this will then immediately cause a lightening cascade all the way to atom z and a catastrophic explosion of extinction force. For reasons unknown these 4 scientists will all be riding ponies as this is what the experiment requires. One scientist will have forgotten to tighten his (or her I won't be sexist) girth causing the saddle to slip at the most dangerous time causing those two atoms to well and truly collide. The four mounted scientists will be consumed by fire and, so it goes, the last words ever spoken on this Earth will be, "Oh, shit!!!"Ā 

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Being Me

Hi Greg! Thank you. It is not really a poem. It is just prose. It is for A Lonely Journey's Deep Thoughts challenge.And extremely challenging it was too lol.Ā  Thanks for reading x

A Lonely Journey

Being Awesome!! You rule!! I laughed the entire way through that! I am so serious..well, not serious when I was laughing, but serious at a different time than during the laughter! YOU are awesome! And you're smart! You can tell when people write(no one has ever accused me of being such, but...), but I absolutely LOVED that!!Ā 
I think that may be a winner! Only I haven't read any others yet. Judges??!! Wait, that's me. Oh my go*h, thank you so much for contributing! Have I told you you're great??!! Gee, I wonder why you get 600 comments on every poem you write??!! (I got one last week, but it was a guy who accidentally clicked on 'like' when he was looking up how to 'lick'.Ā 
Thank you Being! You are one of my favorite people ever, and I loved that so!!Ā 

Being Me

????. Glad you like it, Matthew!Ā  And it even made you laugh... That's good then. I couldn't do this as a poem. Poems take a lot of work. This was really just a lot of mumbo jumbo coming from.... Oh, wait... I don't know where it came from. The deepest and oddest recesses of (what claims to be) my mind... I suppose.Ā  I do think that scientists could very well end the world by accident. I don't for one minute think they will be riding ponies though. Thanks for the awesome challenge. It is/was fun to take part x

A Lonely Journey

Oh Being Intelligent, the deepest, oddest recesses of your mind are amazing...when will we see the other portions of your mind? KIDDING!Ā 
I love that you're fum(fum is Patrick Star's slogan for the Chum Bucket, Chum is Fum), because it's beautiful, like yourself. I can't thank you enough for your contribution, and for Being a friend.Ā 
Wicked hugs,Ā 

Pratibha Savani

Oh wow Tina! This is truly awesome!! I love it!! So fun to read..
you can do humour very well!!Ā 
sssooo pinned!! Px

Being Me

Hehehe... Sooo glad you like it, Pratibha. I'm glad it came across as humorous and I am very happy that you enjoyed reading it. Thank you x


I used to steal liquorice root from the local pharmacy if it's any consolation...of all of the things to steal lol.

I was only 12 or so at the time. Never stolen anything since.

- SydĀ 

Being Me

Haha...liquice root?Ā  I think all kids have nicked something at sometime and like you say, once the deed is done guilt plays it's part and it's never done again (unless said kid goes on to make a career out of it).Ā  Thanks for reading Syd and leaving, as always, a great comment x

Nigel Cresswell...

Oh BM, I have an image in my head of a red neck riding a nuke at the end of Dr Strangeglove. Great PoemĀ 

Being Me

Hahaha...oh, I love your comment, Nigel!Ā  Will you write something for the challenge? I am thinking you will write an awesome piece! Apologies if you have already...and if you have i will check it out and read later (i have a bit of catching up to do. Many, many thanks for reading. Your comment was fun and a treat to read x

Nigel Cresswell...

I missed the challenge at first so not sure of the specifics but.........Ā 

Being Me

Hahaha....nice one!Ā  If you go to A Lonely Journeys page you can see it. It's not too late to join in, Nigel ? x


Ha ha...fabulous fabulous write ...it was like you were talking right to me and loved the way your thoughts moved from one thing to another in a typical 'deep thought' way but to be able to convey those thoughts is another matter entirely...a skill.!! Excellent Tina, if I wasn't already a fan, I would be now... ?

Being Me

Oh Marion!Ā  Come here...Huggggs. What a lovely thing to say, you are sooo kind. I am also a huge fan of your work, I really am. When Matthew set this challenge and asked us all to take part I thought, "Oh, God! That's going to be soo difficult,"Ā  and I could not make any promises. But I find prose so much easier to write than poetry (if you can call my attempts at it that) so I just wrote this and hoped I could get away with it. I am chuffed that you like it. Thank you so much. I will catch up with reading your work today and leave my thoughts. Thank you, Marion x


Hey.Tina..I'm only saying my true thoughts love you are a magnificent writer. Don't worry about mine, in fact I deleted the one for Matthews comp as someone took issue with it and took it seriously...sometimes I despair....apart from a very few of us there is no fun or participation on here at all...I'm struggling to stay on here to tell you the truth if it wasn't for you lot....gizmo and I would never the more to meet!Ā  Hugs ?

Being Me

I am guessing your D.E.L.E.T.E.D one is the one you are talking about! I'm so sorry I missed it!Ā  I know your work and so I bet it was a great write...just wished I'd seen it.Ā  I am in total love with your latest one about the falling leaf and all the thoughts it brings to your mind x

Being Me

Thank you very much, Liliana. Glad you like it. It was written for Matthew's deep thoughts challenge x

Fiona Cummings

I loved this, and i think i felt scared like you at one point of my whole life... wWith CV19, i now wonder if we are closer to the end than we hoped for. xxx

Being Me

Thank you Fiona. I'm glad you enjoyed the read. I wrote it in response to Matthew's challenge. I used a lot of artistic license lol. ?Ā  thanks again, your support is appreciated soooo much x

The fish of the sea

Just such a great narrative! I reckon I have seen this one before, I just never got round to commenting! If such an experiment did happen at least it would be instantaneous! Not as drawn out as Covid or some other pandemic would be... Peace and smiles Tina! I hope you are safe. Kind regards, your friend. Max

Being Me

Haha...thanks Max!Ā  It was in answer to a challenge that Matthew set x

Shaun Cronick

A great fun read with a wicked wicked payoff!! Loved it!
And those chocolate mice came in two sizes and the white ones tasted bloody awful too sickly like the Milky bars.
Being Me your poems are eclectic and your ink is magical.
Everything from what I've been lucky to read so far is so original and a joy to read you never cover the same ground twice.
Thanks for sharing and will read more tomorrow evening and thanks for the chocolate mice memories.
And remember when Snickers was called Marathon.
I wish you well Tina and thanks for the much needed escapism.


Being Me

Hi Shaun šŸ˜ƒĀ  Thanks for reading!Ā  This was done in response to a challenge that Matthew (A Lonely Journey) set on Deep Thoughts. I couldn't make it poetic so I just went with straight prose and did this. I like to mix it up sometimes...I need the practise lol. I do remember when Snickers was Marathon...Marathon is better in my opinion. And Opel Fruits became Starburst. And Cif used to be called something else too...which I cannot remember. My favourites in the pick and mix were the little chocolate buttons covered in hundreds and thousands...and the sherbet flying saucers. What memories!Ā  Thanks for your awesome comment x

Shaun Cronick

Ā Hi Tina and Cif was Jif and I forgot about Opel Fruits into Starburst and I would give my right arm right now for a sherbet flying saucer which were light pink and yellow and was there a light purple one??
And I remember those buttons covered in hundreds and thousands, yummy!
And Woolworths in town use to have a Ā£250,000 camera system guarding Ā£70 quids worth of sweets and those chocolate buttons too!!
Thanks again for those halcyon days feel-good 70's and 80's memories.šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒ

Being Me

Jif!!Ā  Ā That was it!
Thd camera system was how much?No wonder Woolworths went bust! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ x


Ahh' you can beat an egg, but ya just can't beat a bit o decent prose ya knows .. and thank you too for a trip down memory lane ... and just between you n me .. I remember as a nipper I once nicked a topic from the local shop .. one bite later and my filling came out ............. neva again ................. N :) x

Being Me

šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ things like that happen with I'll gotten gains...lolĀ  Ā But weren't Topics lovely? Are they still around? I used to love Walmut Whips and suddenly realised I couldn't find any. Then I found some own brand ones in an M&S garage shop thingy. All the choccies bars have got smaller recently too šŸ˜­Ā 

Thanks for reading, my friend, and also for commenting x


... Absolutely true, we call it karma around these parts .. and I have behaved my self 100% since then .. Yes they were and still are I think .. Walmut Whips were really naughty weren't they .. thank Bodhidharma for M&S garage shops is wot I say .................. Too bloomin true, if they got any smaller, they would be near invisible .. Have you seen the size of Waggon Wheels n Yorkie bars these days ... x

Being Me

I was only saying to my daughter a short while ago how much smaller wagon wheels are. She reckoned they were the same size. So I began, "Well when I was a kid ā€”" and she said, "Yes, but you were smaller then."Ā  Yes but, no but, yes but, no but... But the truth is Wagon Wheels are around half the size they used to be. The only consolation is, is that we have jammy ones now. So yes, Wagon Wheels ARE smaller now, MUCH smallerĀ  x


Maybe she shudder .. gone to spec-saversĀ šŸ™‚ maybe x

Being Me

Hahaha....Ā  šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

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