For Love Of Shoes...

I have a secret I will share,
I absolutely love footwear.
My closet though
Is far too small,
I need more room to store them all.
I have a plan to put in place
to give me just a bit more space.
I know that soon there’s going to be
a ‘bring and buy’ event near me.
So armed with bags and boxes too
I know just what I’m going to do.
He’s just outgrown his old sweatpants,
they scream ‘old man’ and not romance.
And as for those old cordouroys
they’re only meant for real old boys.
And who needs more than one good suit?
and as for those brown cowboy boots
and pants in every sort of hue
well they will have to go soon too!
So bags all packed with surplus clothes
I have to pray he never knows,
that his great sacrifice will be
an extra closet ..just for me!

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Hello Lodigiana...
This is hilarious!!
I have a great idea...
Buy your Hubby an extra large box and tell him you thought of him when you saw it and wanted to have a place where his clothes could stay nearly folded...
So all your stuff didn't keep wrinkling his...
Always to his benefit...
Great write!
Thank you for sharing...
Haha I love your fact I think he should just put his clothes in a black sack and let me have all the closets!!! aw bless him in fact he has 3 closets and i have 5 so I cant really own problem is I can never throw anything away always believing that if I hold onto stuff long enough it will come back into style!Thanks so much for reading and I hope it gave you a smile! xxx
Loki! That was fantastic. I think you may have a nude man walking around your house soon, but at least you'll have footwear. lol.
You are a riot! Loved it.
I'm the same way with loin clothes! I've got about a thousand of them, so I need a bigger closet! It's crazy how we become obsessed with things isn't it?
He might well have to borrow one of your many loin cloths..just to maintain some semblance of dignity.. otherwise I might just need a blindfold!!! xxx
I'll send him some. Does he prefer Loin Magic, or Mr. Loin brand? I'll send him a few of both. You can never have too many loin clothes.
TTYS, Grammy,
whichever is the smallest !!!
Lady Emelda, oh, sorry Lady L, of course he will notice.
He won't give a poo about the vast majority of it but he's a bloke. There will be something, probably the mankiest thing he owns, that he will be outraged about.
Just be clever about it. Tell him that if he accepts a small chest of drawers he can have a nice garden shed.
Jobs a good one.
Your chuckling friend
I am still laughing about the garden shed .. just a couple of weekends ago we did actually buy a new garden shed that he is ,very sadly, really excited about!!!..until he read the poem he had not noticed a thing ..then I had to come clean and admit what I had done.. but fortunately he did agree with most of what I had decided to 'recycle' although he does have a soft spot for the 'comfy sweatpants' but maybe time to get something a little more 'hip'.. bless him ..he is so forgiving.. fortunately .. so pleased you enjoyed it.. always good to find something that makes us smile. thank you my friend xx