microsoft dictation trials found poem

John (Jake) Cosmos
Novelist, Poet,
Foreign Service Officer, (US Diplomat) retired
PSC 450, Box 63
APO, AP 96206
(Note: USA military Postal address in South Korea, but USA domestic postage rates apply)
Tel: 703-436-1402 Note: this is Seoul Korea time
Web page:
Microsoft Dictation Trials poems
Jake Cosmos Aller
Microsoft Dictation Trials Found Poem
The following is a verbatim copy of the gibberish that Microsoft dictation software spew
forth the first ten times I tried it. First I could not get it to recognize any thing. I called Microsoft tech support who suggested I reformat my hard drive and did not suggest that I buy an external mike. I did at Best Buy and then the program worked after I rebooted the computer six times and went through the set-up microphone procedure three times.
I thought that the results of this experiment were at times ludicrous so thought it would make a fine found poem. I merely broke it into stanzas otherwise the words are the way it typed out on the screen. I found if I spoke really slow the error rate was a bit less, if I spoke too fast it just did nothing.
I sent this to Microsoft but don’t expect a response.
Begin Microsoft dictation found poem:
Her and they moved to
a the final inspection went well
with E wall
back to the apartment
and brown
we had left the keys
are in the car
but fortunately
we ran two
are rules that TV does not
ruin were bought
baby by Jews
they’ll be able to see you
and your evening
we win
two Home Depot and Costco
and then who can free pizza
for dinner we want to eastern market
and shot the movie
dress report to the berber
back home
and went to bed
about the nine
the dictation is working up
from 50% of the time
cue-card will keep
the hope that the difference
in win over to
in the meantime
I will keep brokerage
and user to ride
bay from all working
you in this
is Trevor Rowe junior middle school?
Microsoft did tuition
continues two 50%
of the time
one the visual dictation data
his sometimes schuler’s
shall I am sure
even when you shoot a film,
today we’ll meet with Perot’s
to turn over the key
and then paid the porch
and weather permits
and then maybe have dinner
with more drivers
wore see the movie
Mama Mia
should be a good
if I have time
also do some solutions all
Still having problems with my group
saw fit to Asia
still very strange
each results
it’s well as run
the south: today in that age
When to the house
and your lunch
had a good lunch
when the two D. Meyer
we are only eight at the red cross
to the I had a BLT
center with each 10 home
to ensure came home
at 230 and we walked
back to the house
did was a very hot air
to move the best way
to beat the fencing guy
Go to End
can show them the fencing edition
about $4000 or so
came home to a
Her and then run back home
Had celebrated for dinner
and wash two episodes of a series of unfortunate events
than started reading The two men
To the house
and the DM 2 me
the pay
for its then
Go to End
go to the paint shop
to buy more pain
noses were very first
Go to End
had too old
to be in this meet pizza.
Go to End
Went out at 8 am
to the house to meet
had too old to be in this meet pizza
have peace of for dinner
go to Sly and the Family Stone Yes No?
Play Summer Time in the City Yes
the painters
then walked to the Paint Shop
the in the top of the state intends
the the the the the the the
Dinner salad
Say number okay 4444
End Document
Save Changes Journal Yes No
Can’t complete last command
Undo command
Can’t save
Came back from the upper
the painting works great
is how so
in a very hot as hell
bent tonight
will go to trade for Jones
for home to home
Number of records by second baseman from voting
and an batteries for remote control
or just for a number of town hall
Microsoft Dictation Trials Poem one part two
When to the house
and your lunch
had a good lunch
when the two D. Meyer
we are only eight at the red cross
to the I had a BLT
center with each 10 home
to ensure came home
at 230 and we walked
back to the house
did was a very hot air
to move the best way
to beat the fencing guy
Go to End
can show them the fencing edition
about $4000 or so
came home to a
Her and then run back home
Had celebrated for dinner
and wash two episodes of a series of unfortunate events
than started reading The two men
To the house
and the DM 2 me
the pay
for its then
Go to End
go to the paint shop
to buy more pain
noses were very first
Go to End
had too old
to be in this meet pizza.
Go to End
Went out at 8 am
to the house to meet
had too old to be in this meet pizza
have peace of for dinner
go to Sly and the Family Stone Yes No?
Play Summer Time in the City Yes
the painters
then walked to the Paint Shop
the in the top of the state intends
the the the the the the the
Dinner salad
Say number okay 4444
End Document
Save Changes Journal Yes No
Can’t complete last command
Undo command
Can’t save
Came back from the upper
the painting works great
is how so
in a very hot as hell
bent tonight
will go to trade for Jones
for home to home
Number of records by second baseman from voting
and an batteries for remote control
or just for a number of town hall
Microsoft Dictation Trials Found Poem Number
The painting went very well
it looks much better
it was a very hot day
will vote by
Microsoft trials dictation from:
and submitted it to two journals
and micro soft
don’t expect a response from mike
were shocked but had fun writing it
will keep track of market conditions
for a second from over tonight
we’ll work on my problem
for the interview
and take a walk to trader joe’s
two are home to worry:
Aaron will start working on
OK at the base of king too
fast and the bees
nonsense continue nonsense
Iraqis problem number one
priority right now but
Things to do
OK now I get your attention
I wanna go too sole
and Endgo
some and then being term
and then USA
and then Washington, DC
and then Baltimore
and then I wanna
will be with the idea being done
on the stand
will be OK enough tomorrow
I need to go to the house and 88 AM 988
just 8:00 AM.
The I am having a meeting with an array
annually and aHer
a OK on we’re going to talk
to a jester of two
come up with solutions
we need to two fans
and players
repaid the painting repairs
we are paying the bill
from both the house we’ve passed,
my treatment
we had the somewhat tainted drywall fixed
we have a new tenant
rules being new tenant
is a very good
I think
are we were making
very much you need to do better
to stop of studies
now me as Sarah
Mr. Allen not an island
is an error
that have a need
for an offense of offering Maisie’s
backing separate
from the public
often salad
End of the night
of the committee
of the ways
to hire the answer you
get a better
Microsoft Dictation trials
Found Poem Three
Inspection report
meeting went well
met with him
only at age six
G P silver in the damage
is shown her
the news from the rear
and as well as shown
for the termite damage.
In the termite
go we had been a UGS
the basic questions of morality
and using this statement
denying them the answer
most questions
we went outside
to take a picture
although the front porch
into I noticed
there was something
very strange looking
at the front porch
the pedestal
on the front porch
were quoted
so he headed
from facing the street
and in from the street
station house
the fed is still on
riding his meaning
to the eye
and that has left his leading
to the left
we noticed
there were cracks
in the forge:
long the foliage
including the crack
on in the front door
we also know
is that the doors
are at opening
in the awkward men
we also noticed
a big crowd
on the right side of the house
on in the mist
airways to the right baseline
we took a look
at the the souls in 141571413 1415
that this is an old event in 1413
left as to his meeting
in Ford’s 111415
in the right one
is even for now
we suspect that uses serious settlement issue
in that the house is cracking
on the house
in the house
is trying to balance
its closing the porch
this is just
what left
in the says
this is a serious issue
we are sending information
to a lawyer
asked his advice
before we can’t turn our
insurance for content and
Rescinded the new
we will go to the court
has to figure out the procedures
for the deal
against the key man
this evening
I hope to do some writing
style dictation
Poem Four
Green tree
is in the Kingstown Property
in Alexandria
with her mother
and are tended to Jeff
my mother in the wall
is berating jobs for some reason
to handle
and tell my mother to calm down
as Jeff has a temper problem
job is getting very angry
Juppe pulls out a gun
and serves the shooting of my mother
the mall and should serve five or six times
in the head
my wife forays into a closet
and Hans hoping that jobs
will not find her
and she wonders
what would happen know
that her mother
in all my mother’s death
and the she wonders
what will happen
because im not there
at the time
and she fears Jeff
shooting in the wall
and that is the end
of the current in that age
Poem Five
Telco one
not until 5:00 PM
had objected
lack of will
come back
and go to some of actor dinner
will fix the car tomorrow
and work on my appeal
might work
and the appeal
denied me
to get on the other headphones
when we go to the own charm
on Thursday
will build
and Costco tomorrow
dictation is working
but still funky
but it will when it finally works
watch and at the showboat
Mr. Sunshine
before taking all along
that low energy
back to two long flight
stop dictation
of up to the line
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