No immunity for trumpeting donkey kong!
Don not misperceive me as die hard donkey!

The wheels of justice might turn slow,
but...fear not those Dom (men knows)
minions defrauding decent folks...THUS
We (the Gods/Goddesses of Olympus)
interrupt this regularly scheduled program
to deliver urgent unanimous verdict...
Telegram Spake Reportage...Justice
handed down from court of King Crimson...
NO âFAKEâ vaccinated exception, exoneration,
edict decrees corruption, collusion breached,
Boy scout apprenticeship annulled antithetical
American aggrandizing Aegis presidential
Pillsbury doughboy, who haint nothing butta
zealous wantonly terrifying questing quack
psychopathic puissant mailer daemon;
earmarked legal writs excusing and/or
recusing himself, and his denizen, nee
army practicing vanity, thuggery, pernicious
perjury, ornery odious obloquy, noxious
notorious nincompoop narcissism,
muckraking manhandling malodorous
majority, lewdly lecherous, larcenous knave,
knowingly kickstarting jabbering jackanapes,
impertinently impeach-ably impeccably
impiously impudent, hoodwinking haughtily,
gum-shun grubbing, groping, fondling females,
exploiting exemptions, expunging executive
excruciatingly, excellently ersatz erected,
egregiously delightfully crotch clamping
chicanery, commander in (Mis)chief,
bonanza axed...Effective immediately!
He and his cockamamie henchmen
undermine the credence, essence, guidance
sought by immigrants,
whereat the leader of the free world
crushes the essential ingredients nurturing
potential of body, mind and spirit.
A more qualified individual, or any other
livingsocial creature,
e.g. (exempli gratia in Latin)
canine, feline, and even swine,
(or perhaps one can be tailor made
courtesy Artificial Intelligence)
sought to supplant present
mentally vacant PRESIDENT
no later than Tuesday, September 10th, 2024!

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