Pandemic thoughts

I sat in my room and came to a thought,
Of how the world is currently distraught.
Amongst us humans there is a divide,
People are currently split into two sides.
One not wanting the vaccine for mankind,
And the other trying to leave the current world behind.
Many complete there duties and get the vaccine.
But to others this is much harder to deem.
We should be trying to make the world a better place,
Somewhere we all can feel safe.
No more fighting against the greater good,
And do what a true human being should.
Put that all aside and look at it for what it is,
It’s so the powerful can tell us how to live.
We should be living not in a divide,
But rather become one and together rise.
Instead of hating on those that make their own choice,
Why don’t you appreciate them for having a voice.
They are allowed to do what is best for them,
Just like those that got the vaccine did.
Let’s spread love and abolish the two sides,
For a pandemic isn’t the sole purpose of life.
Love everyone because they are people too,
Just like I am me and you are you.
Spread positivity, kindness, and happiness,
That’s how we will get through the things we detest.
With all of these things sides will no longer be,
And we as a human race can be more free.

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