Ragged River

I walk with all my thoughts of yesterday
Along the banks of the ragged river,
Just me and my dog and the dying day
Among thoughts of all that hope which never
Kept its promise. And all the while I
Wonder how it is that true love fades.
But then does not all life exist to die?
Does not the sun bow down to evening shade?
Does not all hope that burns so brightly dim
When pressed by day's ungainly hand of night?
Perhaps tis not so much of chances grim
But of those for which we surely have to fight.
And so I dare to dream of battles won
In meadows where the ragged river runs.
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This is very true. Nothing good lasts forever. That's why we have to cherish it and take every opportunity that comes our way. Being ever grateful for the experiences we are blessed with as we go. Chin up Tina! Here for you. Your friend Max
Nothing of anything lasts forever my friend! Nothing. It hit home hard to me yesterday...so I wrote this.
Anyway, enough of that! I hope you had a good christmas and I wish you all the best for the coming new year. And I wish it for the world too.
Thank you sooo much for reading this Max. I haven't posted in ages and was quite expecting to not get any reads or comments lol...thank you for cheering me up with your presence upon my page. Hugs x
Awww here for you Tina! No fuss, write at your own pace. Cant rush art, especially not of your talent! I too wish you had a great Christmas! Happy new year also. Always be here for a chat. Unless its 2:00am in Aus lol.. but you get what I mean. Hugs and smiles. Your friend Max
🤣🤣🤣 hugs xx
Whilst it may be true that nothing lasts forever from an experience perspective, the memories of experiences both good and bad are forever which provides us with the tools to deal what comes our way in the future. if we’ve loved and lost love then we know that love is possible therefore we can love again, if we have laughed before but now feel joy has gone, we know that laughter and joy is possible within us so our experiences and memories can always provide us hope in the bad times.
hope that makes sense
Hi Andrew! What a well thought out comment! Our memories do, of course, last a lifetime (if we remain well). What I was talking to Max (The Fish of the Sea) about was that how it had suddenly struck me that everything has a time limit. Whilst there are brand new beginnings scattered throughout various endings these beginnings also have a time limit. It was that which had hit home that night...the realisation that everything has an expiry date. But I love your fabulous comment. I will always cherish my good memories. My memories will stay with me as I stride across the battle field of life x
Thank you so very much for reading, Andrew I appreciate it. And thankyou for that wonderful comment x
wonderful poem
as always your
poems are so
i try to get to
where you are
but just cant seem
to i will keep trying
Awww...Greg. I am honoured and humbled by your comment. Your writing gets better and better...keep at it. Your poetry is lovely and has a pure quality about it. Keep going.
Thank you so much for reading and leaving such heartfelt feedback. Hugs xx
Very true Tina.
Thank you Terry! Thankyou 🙂 x
Hi Tina, hope you are very well. This is melancholy at its finest, a stunning portrayal of sadness and hope carried along by the eternal flow and time of a river. Rivers are eternal and bring life and hope to all that dwell upon their banks. Love never dies but only renews itself in the course of a lifetime as a river ebbs and flows as it flows from its birth to its end at the sea. A beautiful write dear friend and very thought provoking. Thank you! xx
I have to admit I was in a pretty melancholic mood when i wrote it lol! I love the way you picked up on the river thing to it. And I think you are right...love is there all the time but it does change and renew itself...what wise words you speak! Glad you like this. Thank you so much for reading and leaving your wonderful thoughts. Hope you had a good christmas my friend ⚘💕 x
Love your poem! If Life and nature teaches us anything, it is that there is an exception to every rule! Great write!.......................................................Jim
Definitely exceptions to every single rule Jim! Thank you for reading and I am really glad you like it ⚘x
"I walk with all my thoughts of yesterday"
-- Let yesterday be yesterday, let tomorrow be tomorrow, and live for today.
Oh, if only your words were that simple my friend. We should indeed live in the now, I agree! Not always easy though. Nothing like a bit of rumination to help the writing process though.
Thank you so much for reading and leaving your wise thoughts. All the best for the New Year x
My comments were not against what you've written, rather a general remark as how we should deal with reality, think you already know. Not easy I know including me. But we have to.
Wish you a New Year be peaceful and healthy wherever you are.
Oh Yiyan...yes I know you were making a general observation! ...and a very correct one too... Living in the now is something I try so hard to do but fate always seems to have other ideas lol.
Have a very happy and healthy New Year ...I wish you all the best my friend. Let's hope for brighter and better days ....hugs xx
Your a brilliant writer. I love your imagery. The reader feels they going down that walk with you! Love and kisses 💋
Awww...Greg you are so very kind! Thank you. I will catch up on your writing soon. I have not been properly on here for quite a while so I have a load to catch up on. I am getting there. Thank you again for your generous comment. I am glad you liked this. I wish you and your family a happy and healthy new year. Love and kisses my friend x
Hi Tina, poetry is both cathartic for the writer
and hopefully for the reader but I think that is less important. I read this and it struck me again that some of our most fluid "poetry" moments come whilst distracted by beauty or in that ethereal moment between awake and sleep.A real pity we can't bottle it, but it's beautiful when it happens.
Take care
John x
Hi John... there are certainly better times for writing poetry. I have always found poetry is best written in ethereal moments. Stories can be hammered out any time of day or night, they are brash things and their characters demand attention. Poems, however, are shy creatures..Poetry needs a little magic...
Thank you for reading, John. I appreciate it and your comments always make me think on things more. Wishing you and yours all the best for a happy and healthy New Year x
Yeah this is very true, all things come to an end and die, only God's love doesn't die.
This is a great soulful poem, at days end, the muse is awesomely expressed. Kudos.
Happy New Year to you! Thank you so much for reading and commenting, I appreciate the support. Glad you like it x
Thanks for reading and glad you like it. Happy New year to you and yours! 🍾 x
Lovely lines Being. Happy new year. Warm regards.
Thank you very much Cleo!! A very happy new year to you. All the best x
This lady is absolutely amazing your poetry is so beautiful just like you . you are so lovely and you have made me a very happy person from being wanting to not wake up in the mornings to seeing a little bit of light at the end of this tunnel so thank you so much 🌹🌹❤❤
Thank you so much for reading, Sally. I really appreciate it. I am so happy my comments have made you feel stronger. Please know that I meant every word. When we are trapped in a deep dark hole with no escape (it seems like no escape) then having people around us to lift our spirits helps enormously. All we need is a little support sometimes...and support is not as easy to find as it should be. I have myself recieved an enormous amount of encouragement from many people on this site. Cosmo is a place where we can post and support each other.
So lovely to see you visiting my pages here Sally. I hope you are feeling okay today 😊 x
It's a sonnet and a more than well written and presented one too, Being Me.
Such poetic thoughts so beautifully and admiringly expressed.
And things change in life, they do get better, its all about playing the waiting game.
A game of chance just like that like that ragged river, which can change course to offer new and deserved hope, when you least expect it.
Thank you for writing and sharing Being Me and I wish you well.
Hang in there and take care.
Hi Shaun. Thank you so much for popping over to my pages I do sooooo appreciate it 🙂 This is a sonnet yes. I wrote it after I had a bit of a tough day (those days we all have once in a while). I am very pleased that you like it. I love your comments. That ragged river can throw up all manner of surprises! Thankyou for reading and leaving your thoughts 🙂 x
Tina my bad.
I forgot to like, star and pin it.
Clearly lost and swept away in your somber and elegantly worded prose.
Hang in there Tina and keep writing sheer class.x.
Again i am envious of your muse. Such lovely work.
Thank you Simon, I appreciate your kind words. Hope you are well x
Thank you Marion ⚘x
A somber yet beautifully fluid poem. Sadly all things come to an end. I liked how you wrote this. I had a sense of meandering along that river reflecting on the subject
Aww, thank you Gwendoline. Hope you enjoyed the meander. Thanks for reading ⚘x
Essentially, I wanna thank you for the gentle meander your Ragged River just enabled me to embark upon & enjoy .. a brief respite from an otherwise mundane Wednesday ................... Neville :) x
Glad you enjoyed the meander along the banks of the Ragged river! Thanks for reading, Neville, you are so kind and I truly, truly appreciate the support. Many many thankuous and hugs x
its worth it just for them alone .. I must warn ya tho' I have an insatiable appetite .. (🙂) x