Poem -


A Gothic Tale


Within these grim, nigrescent hours, 
As dark gods cradle a crescent moon, 
Something in the night empowers
A fervid, fetid doom. 
And as all that's good beneath the sun
Lies withered like a parchment  burned, 
From midnight's crypt of death undone
The revenant returns. 
For when the yearning grabs a hold
And the hunger craves its grisly bite;
When cloak of  darkness  here unfolds, 
'Tis Scarlet rules the night. 
Lysander, oh Lysander come
And find the maiden that you seek, 
The hunt for Scarlet's now begun
And heaven's angels weep. 
And their tears fall down to Purgatory 
Where the wrath of pain is hurled
Right through the heart of Persephone
To sting the underworld. 
Lysander, oh Lysander see
Her huddled by the ancient stones,
'Tis a gain for your reliquary 
When you bring Scarlet home. 
Oh this cursed and damned elixir
And its sweet, sweet taste of hunger's bane,
Death becomes but just a whisper
And drives Lysander's pain. 
For though his heart no mercy shows, 
And is as dark as black can be, 
There's always a part of him that knows
The man he used to be. 
Three hundred years of hunting's gain,
Three hundred years of soulless blight;
The sunlight burns, the sunlight pains
When Scarlet rules the night. 
He finds her, briefly wonders why, 
Sat huddled in the necropolis, 
Why she would then so sacrifice
All For a vampire's kiss. 
And there's a part of him that pulls, 
As he sweeps her up into his arms;
Oh the silly, little fool, 
To fall for wicked charms. 
But he lays her down beneath him
And he rips her raggedy dress;
Three hundred years of mortal sin
Will never find redress. 
The girl, she looks and shakes her head, 
Uncertain, but asks him all the same, 
"Why d'you call me Scarlet, when
Scarlet is not my name?"
But 'neath his touch she duly melts
And succumbs to his darkest needs
As by her side 'twas lust that knelt
With no recourse to heed. 
She felt his body lean and hard, 
Became as one with secrets kept, 
And felt her heart be stabbed by shards
Of tears that angels wept. 
"Oh, hush! Hush  my sweetest Scarlet, 
Be quiet now and do not speak
For the moon is at its darkest, 
My hunger at its peak".
And he feels her rise 'neath brutal kiss, 
Excitement only a revenant knows, 
When he holds her close in death's caress
As sticky Scarlet flows. 
And so he leaves her with her dreams undone
On a night where the angels fear to roam
And welcomes yet another one
To his umbratic throne. 

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This is just an incredible poem.  Dark but seductive.  Love it girl!

Being Me

Thank you so much. You are so sweet, Greg. I tried to make this a dark, gothic alternative romance. Lol  So happy you like it. It has taken me forever. Cosmo won't let me upload any picture though for some reason... Argh! Thanks again x


Oh ...look!! Just caught this but I have to get ready for work!!! Love it already but will comment properly later...fabulous, hugs ...it is so nice to have the privilege or reading your work again...I will.return...lol...???

Being Me

Aww... Thank you so much, Marion. I am so glad you like it. It has taken me absolutely ages to write. It will never be good enough in my eyes but it will have to do. Thanks again x

A Lonely Journey

Hi Being Wonderful! 
I miss you. How are you? 
That was fantastic. I'm so impressed at what a wonderful writer you are. I don't see near enough of your poetry on here, because you're so bright and talented! 
Is nigrescent a word? Because I really like it, but it gives me a red line. And this is in no way a detraction to your beautiful poem! I loved it, and the word fit wonderfully, but I need to know every word ever created, and you're smarter than I. 

Beautiful, beautiful writing, my friend! 
Thank you. 
Drop me a line some time, OK? 
Matthw(see, I created my name without an e! 

Being Me

Hi Mathew ( or should I say Matthw) thanks for reading. Yes, nigrescent is a word. It's a rare one but it is an adjective describing "becoming blackish" ?  Latin in origin, I believe. But yes it is a word. I didn't make it up I promise. Google it! Thank you again for reading and commenting on it...I do appreciate it. Sooo glad you lke it x (see what I did there? ? )  x

A Lonely Journey

You're such a talented writer, and wonderful person, thank you. 
Please don't let my word curiosity deter from your poem, it's beautiful. 
Love the word, too. 
Cheerie does the same thing to me. She knows these words, and I try to catch her, and they're words, and she makes fun of me...no, she doesn't at all, but she's more intelligent than I, also. Once, she made up this really crazy word, though. It has something to do with the dance craze of the 70's. Ask her about it some time, OK? (she's going to kill me. LOL). 
You're awesome. 

Being Me

Xx   You are great, Matthew. I cannot help but smile when I see you around the pages of Cosmo....keep shining x

John Astley

Just epic and amazing!
So well done

Being Me

Aww...thank you so much, John. I lost count of the amount of rewrites I did with this in the end. I am so glad that you like it. And thank you again as I really value your support x

Greg Etsell

wow what a great poem 
you are a great writer 
I love your poem

Being Me

Greg thank you. You are a bright star in a dull universe, my friend. I am really happy to know you like this. Your support means the world.  Thank you x

Pratibha Savani

Wow Tina....a mini story unfolding in an epic goth poem!! Omg I just love it! Truly awesome, dark, seduction, daring, dangerous and totally irresistible!!! I've watched too many vampires shows...angel, true blood, penny dreadful and films!! So just reminded of those scenes and an old century feel. 
I love reading your work and so good to see another one of your brilliant writes!!
10 stars for true originality!! 
kiss kiss kiss ???

Being Me

Awww  Pratibha, you are sooo kind. Thank you. I have watched the odd vampire film now and again but not a lot.  I really had a yearning to write a gothic poem though. And I had the story but writing it the way I wanted it turned out to be a hell of it's own. I went through so many total rewrites that I have lost count. Tis done now though and I am very pleased that you like it. Thanks again, your support means everything x


You know what...this is actually exciting Tina, like a bite sized novel....I wanted to read more and it didn't disappoint. I don't think there is anything you need to change here, it is so well written and flows with ease. I am not myself a lover of vampire tales particularly but I love the tone of this which was set from the first line....it shouts gothic!! I agree with Matthew, you are a fantastic writer...excellent read...hugs..pinned ?

Being Me

Hi Marion, Wow!  I am so glad you like it. Took me bloody ages lol. I had the story. I knew I wanted it to be a gothic write. I found the words i wanted in it. I had everything but could i get it to work?  It honestly took me many, many total rewrites and at least two whole sleepless nights go get even this!  Thank you so very much for your wonderfully kind words. Hugs...and thanks again x


You're welcome my friend ?

Being Me

Thank you Liliana!  I am so very sorry for my late reply. Thanks for reading, it's a really long one so I truly appreciate it x

Ian William

Enthralling in its entirety Tina!  You bring such eloquence to your passion!

Being Me

Awww thank you so much, Ian. That is so kind of you to say. I am glad you like it. It was the hardest poem to write (for me). I had an urge to write a gothic one and this is the result. I really appreciate the support x


A very beautiful, epic dark write.

This part especially stood out to me personally 

Oh this cursed and damned elixir
And its sweet, sweet taste of hunger's bane,
Death becomes but just a whisper
And drives Lysander's pain. 
For though his heart no mercy shows, 
And is as dark as black can be, 
There's always a part of him that knows
The man he used to be. 

Amazing words!

- Syd 

Being Me

Thank you soooo much for reading, Syd. And thank you too for pointing out which words you especially liked ( that is always good to hear). I am so pleased that you like my little gothic tale. I did my best to use appropriate words to get the atmosphere  across. I appreciate your support, my friend x


You're very welcome as always x

- Syd 


good morning being me, love this gothic write . I hear the cure with a mix of edgar allan poe . so great!! your a wonderful talent on cosmo like so many others, rock

Being Me

Well thank you so much, Rock! The Cure And Poe? That is high praise indeed and I am both humbled and honoured by such a generous comment. I am very glad you enjoyed reading my little gothic tale. Many, many thanks x

Shaun Cronick

Being Me a beautifully crafted and presented magnum opus of gothic vampire doomed love.
Bram Stoker eat your heart out and after rereading, Annie Lennox's haunting Love Song For A Vampire springs to mind.
A compelling and brilliant poem seen from a different perspective, that is rarely seen in poetry.
A real standalone unique piece of work and a delight to read.
Breath-taking throughout!
Thank you Being Me for sharing and five stars and pinned for a another reread to take it all in and enjoy again.


Being Me

Thank you Shaun!  I am so glad you like it. I do like poetry that tells a story...I have a real soft spot for it. I have  not heard of the Song for A Vampire...I will have to check it out... I am intrigued. Thanks for popping by and reading my Cosmo offerings x

Being Me

You are very kind. Thank you x

Shaun Cronick

Tina, just revisiting and rereading something special, something timeless.

Shaun Cronick

 Tina and I thought I WAS the late reply master!!😊x.

Being Me

I know right...I am dreadful!  I just found this...I am so sorry it took me like 3 months plus to reply 🙉 x


Hello Tina, I was looking through your page and found this beauty...wow wow wow. I do hope you one day write a dark book my friend. For me this was like a Greek mythology and Edgar Allan poe love child. The way this reads is just epic off the tongue. Your wielding of words sublime. Sucking the reader into its darkest depths BEAUTIFULLY. This is you at your best. Your imagination and creative flare shines in this fab write ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Definitely pinning to read again and again wow 🤩 xx

Being Me

2 years and 7 months later 🙉🙈  I finally reply to you. I haven't seen this from you until now. I am so very, very sorry for the horrendously late reply. I also want to say thank you. Thankyou for reading and writing your thoughts on it.

Hope you come back to Cosmo soon xx

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