Suicide Hill-Community Golf Course-Dayton, Ohio Part I

The first Winter I had my driver’s license, was in nineteen sixty-one;
There was a place that I had heard about, where people had snowy fun!
It was a golf course called “Community”, on the other side of town;
With a hill they labeled “Suicide”, so treacherous to go down!
I had always sledded in our neighborhood, at a nursery down the street;
We too had a hill called “Suicide”, which as kids, we thought was neat!
But it now was time to man up, the “Big Kahuna” beckoned me;
So, with the Winter’s first good snowfall, I made plans to it go see!
Two friends joined me in this venture, but we did not take our sleds;
One of them had a toboggan, so we took it there instead!
We parked and pulled it behind us, we went down a few small hills;
We decided then we were ready, for the ultimate of our thrills!
Then there it stood before us, with a drop so very sheer;
We smiled and said, “Let’s do this”, but we were hiding all our fears!
Downward we sped so quickly, albeit, we had failed to realize;
That one-third down, was a plateau, by the snow, so well disguised!
All of a sudden, we were airborne, in a very nasty nosedive;
We all were ejected from our sled seats, so lucky to be still alive!
One friend got knocked unconscious, smashing his head on the driver’s back;
The other and I were both thrown outward, dazed, but never saw no black!
This Suicide Hill
Was more than we could handle
Escape with your life

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