The Devil's Den

I resent that dusty, smoky room; the loft that held my soul above its hatch. The devil's den, where a part of my soul still remains.
When I am asleep, my younger self hammers on the walls of my mind, as she is still in the walls of that loft, begging me to release her, begging me to acknowledge her.
I would spend hours in front of the mirror, perfecting my face, searching for a glimmer of recognition and self worth in my own eyes.
I adhered to my schedule, arriving at the expected time each day, climbing the steps to that loft hatch with refreshed hope.
As I opened it, the smoke would sting my eyes and I would be greeted by silence.
No hugs, no kisses, no warm welcome here...just a body in a bed, waiting to be woken up to get ready for the night shift.
I would try to stir him but he would grunt and roll over. I would turn on the TV. I knew the exact time each programme started and which channel.
I would sit alone, wishing he would care enough to just open his eyes.
I left once...I was so fed up of the devil's den which consumed the precious hours of my life.
He woke up late for work, realising I wasn't there. He phoned me and told me not to bother coming down the next night. He demanded to know why I had left, made me feel guilty for not waking him up.
And I apologised, I told him I would be there the next night and that I was sorry and I begged the devil to let me return to his hell.
For I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to retrieve that part of my soul, which remained in the walls. I wouldn't be complete and I wouldn't be my full self.
That disappointed, lonely girl would be left there, screaming to get out, hammering on the walls of my mind, as she still does during the night...

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WOW!! JAYNE!!...... this is some SERIOUSLY well crafted prose....... I'm sorry to go off topic here..... but I honestly think you should consider writing short stories to see if it's something you find gratifying because this write definitely points to the fact that you have skills and an apparent talent for constructing compelling narratives by allowing the reader to visualize images through well crafted sentences that paint around intent, thereby engrossing the reader by allowing them to participate unwittingly. THAT, dear writer, is a skill that is VERY hard to teach and, in most cases, one has to be born with. So I'm going to stop rambling now and just leave you with the seed in hopes that it may grow into some small kernel of curiosity and motivation!! (smiles)....I am your cyber-friend and admirer.......T xo ?✴❤
Thank you for your detailed and inspirational comment...I have never really turned my hand to short stories. Although you have definitely sparked my curiosity. I tend to write about lived experience rather than fiction. The seed is planted however and it will hopefully grow ?
Thanks again...Jayne x