The Greatest weapon

Were you fooled by the perennial smile
and bonhomie?
His living presence hiding deep despair,
silently borne and inwardly grown.
Swarmed by dark lonely thoughts
and a tornado of self doubt.
The social perfectionism now too great
for him to just shy away from.
Whoâs watching over him?
Just a boyâŠ.hardly a man.
Yet the chains of life drag heavily on him.
Itâs not that he wants to die,
but rather that he no longer wants to live.
Sometimes we need to see the darkness
before appreciating the lightâŠ
Turn that light on!
Donât deny your worries and believe
it wouldnât happen..
The Gender Parodox screams, that often
girls think about it,
but boys do itâŠâŠ
Speak up darling boys
You yourselves are the greatest danger you face
Before the deathly silence âŠspeak out! Seek out!
Loving ears ready to listen.
Willing arms ready to hold,
hold until the stumble in the road is past
and the journey can continue,
and hope becomes the greatest weapon against your
Authors note; resubmitting this on World Suicide Prevention day sadly the leading cause of death in young men Samaritans UK number 116 123 USA (1-800 Suicide) 1-800-784-2433
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This is hard hitting Lodigiana, i recently met a young man who arrived at the job site to start his apprenticeship as an electrician, he was in his early 20s with a young child of his own. While working together he began to share with me some horrible stories regarding his family, a cousin of his had hung himself in the basketball court of his school on a Sunday afternoon and because of that, his cousins best friend killed himself not long after, it turns out they were being builled in school and on social media. I felt that this young man needed to talk so I just listened and I tried my best to be there for him, I'm not sure what he is doing now, I hope he is ok. I'm sure there are stories like this all over the world and It hurts me everyday to think that someone out there is contemplating suicide.
I have noticed a surge of poetry on this site with a suicidal tone, I don't know what to say so I just quote the usual line, the permanent solution/temporary problem line, I heard it myself years ago when i rang a helpline here in Ireland, I was feeling depressed and anxious and in fairness, it did work, the more I thought about it, the more it made sense.
I'm lucky to have you Lodigiana, to share my pain with, all of you on Cosmo.
Thank you X.
As we move through life we see and hear so much that can be upsetting..I hope that the young man you met found something that resonated within him whilst you listened and that he was able to move forward with his life despite his harrowing family experience. My father in law took his own life and no one suspected a single thing..he was ex Military and I guess kept things like 'feelings' to himself..I also was a Samaritan for atime but present times are quite different..Social media and Networking sites whilst a means of maintaining friendships are also an insidious way of blindly bullying . Like you I have noticed an increase in tendencies towards suicide which fills me with such sadness..You know that if things feel too heavy or you just need to 'vent' that can always find willing ears here on Cosmo . Thank you so much for reading and your insightful comments Gerard and peace and happiness to you always. Lodigiana x
Loki, my Grammy,
What a wonderful poem!! Oh my gosh, so relate-able! Oh my gosh, those lines:
'Yet the chains of life drag heavily on him.
Itâs not that he wants to die,
but rather that he no longer wants to live.
Sometimes we need to see the darkness
before appreciating the lightâŠ'
I can sooooo relate to! But, sometimes when you get that low, God does shine a light, and you realize He's there.
Wow, Grammy, that really hit home.
Thank you for that beautiful poem!!
Gramson Matthew.
This is a poem I wrote a while back but decided to resubmit it ,as, to be honest, if there is anything that can be done to help anyone who is standing on that brinkpoint then maybe it might be of help.Life is too precious to give it up for something that could possibly be overcome by sharing it with others.I am so pleased that if you have ever felt at a low point in your life that somehow you found the positive caring that helped you turn that corner and find a wonderful path to a happier life..Always stay as great as you are my lovely Honorary grandson!
Love Grammy xx