They Fly Through The Air With The Greatest Of Ease

When one talks about flying through the air, with the greatest of ease;
Normally, it describes the artistry, of performing on a trapeze!
But this poem I am dedicating, to those drivers in heavy rain;
Who go racing down the highway, and sometimes hydroplane!
Yesterday, on the way to Linda’s office, it was raining cats and dogs;
Most people drove very slowly, for there also was some fog!
But you always have these morons, who pay no heed to danger’s lurk;
We watched them cutting in and out, a bunch of freakin’ jerks!
We came upon an SUV, pulled off the road, parked by a pole;
They’d hit a patch of standing water, and totally lost control!
Their vehicle had major damage, at least two thousand bucks;
A fitting end for those who hydroplane, to be shit out of luck!
You fly through the air
A hydro-planers just fate
Next time use your brain

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