What is it... to be a woman?

I am a woman, but that is a gender... it is not me
Society sees me as an object of sexual fantasy
I see me as a young girl exploring a world that objectifies my sex
My partner sees me as a maid, friend, someone to experience things with
But what am I? What IS a woman?
I can only relate what it is that I am, what makes me a woman
Each woman must evaluate what makes them.... a woman
Identify that which defines the life each female leads... to woman
I am a little girl begging for my dad's attention
Hiding from my mother because I didn't clean my room
Devouring all the math books the school had and demanding more
Subjected to the bullies of the school because I am "different," tall, bluntly honest
Music... I am music. How it creates a world where there is only joy
Through a musical I discover acting and I grow once more into a persona, not me
A man, in a one man play, portrays an old woman. A Crabbit Old Woman and I weep
A mission in life I have now. To be eloquent on stage, to never become the Crabbit old woman
I am an athlete! Ranked 10th in the nation in tennis when I was in the 10 & unders
I speed down the track as a sprinter, heft the shot put, they don't let girls throw the javelin...
I can SWIM like a fish.. unless it is the butterfly.. I suck at the butterfly
I run, and run, and run... 25 miles my first week in cross country: a 1/2 marathon run
College I try, fun, social, I don't fit in, music and theater are not a career says mom
I work at the Hollywood Bowl and learn so much, yet I still don't fit in. I push my body too hard
Sick I become, I am unable to be independent and mom comes to whisk me home
Emergency tonsillectomy and months of recovery, I have to leave home again
I am a soldier. I heal first humans, then animals. Animals are my passion
I tour the world helping animals, meeting people, keeping soldiers from sickness
I learn... I yearn to learn everything and I finally go back to school
I am a scholar at 40! Still I am trying to become... me
I meet a man who becomes my mate, but this fails from alcohol and drugs
He cannot take the responsibility of being married to me and leaves in his sodden state
I meet another man who is happiness personified and he fills me with hope and love
Our journey together rife with struggles with depression will soon die after 27 years, I cannot fix him
I am a teacher of young animal nurses and I launch on my own journey of improvement
I am a caretaker and referee of my parents, aging, they are afraid and it is killing them
I am again a scholar at yet a higher level and I REVEL in the journey
I am a friend. Some are oceans away, some close, all very important to me
I save horses and heal broken people though I am not in the business of people
I worry, I doubt, I triumph, I dream, I am tired, I am overworked and underpaid
I am strong, independent, opinionated, caring, weak, and no one has seen the "real" me
I am a woman who fails, tries, falls, goes after what she wants, gets knocked down
I am over 1/2 a century and in a renaissance of finding myself, parts and pieces I thought lost
I am find the little kid in me again and I love her laughter, tears, and hopes
I am taking a wrecking ball to those walls I erected for protection as a young girl
I am open to others for the FIRST time in my life and it is terrifying yet liberating
I find a place where I feel at home, able to let my guard down, show emotions, laugh
I am discovering that I am capable of great feelings and I start letting them surface
I cannot keep them in any longer and I slowly release my fear of rejection and ridicule
I let go of the pain, the frustration, the doubt and repression I thought I needed
I am a woman who needs to be touched, platonic or romantic, but scared to let others in
I can be frail, shy, embarrassed, or bold without reprisal or judgement
I am my own worst enemy, battling myself to be perfect in an imperfect world
I am also my own best supporter, prodding myself to be better than I was yesterday
I am woman as in the song, I am strong and I can roar when needed, exceedingly tender if I choose
I can go from 0 to bitch in 2.7 seconds and back again without holding a grudge
I remember everything but choose to forget much, intuitive, perceptive beyond most
I am a mass of conflicting ideas, emotions, and everyone thinks they see a strong, powerful woman
This is who I am .. in gender, a woman.. but in reality... a human being
One who is terrified to show the world who I am, but longs to have someone understand
As a woman I can build my own dwelling or allow another to take care of me when I need it
And as a woman I am every man's equal... as a human being

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Holy Crap KARINA!!........I've never read any poem quite like this before.......even though this is basically prose it still has the formatted ring of poetry ........and ..........an autobiographical display of well delivered structure and narrative.........I feel like I know you a LOT better after having read that........it was VERY compelling by the way........you've had one helluva ride thus far........and your accomplishments are impressively humble and caring...........you said you were terrified to tell the world who you are........but you did a pretty amazing job of it here........I'm kinda left speechless........I will leave you with this........it was one heck of a read for me........I found it VERY kind of heart.........and I felt appreciative for you sharing that with us here on Cosmo..........you have a gift for words.........well done........ALL STARS..........Love and Rockets!!...........T xo
Thanks.. It wasn't exactly what I was thinking about when the "bug" to write hit me.. I will most likely edit it at some time.. but it seems to get across the message!
Epic and Powerful. Loved it.
Grant x
Thanks... not sure it came out as intended.. but I think it gets my basic feelings down.. most likely will edit it at some point