Chapter 41
The Signed Contract
Sunday arrives and Joe is driving toward the Wilkes College Library to meet Mr. Diablo. Tom and Catherine sit quietly in the back seat of Joe’s car. They reach the parking lot and enter the library heading for the third floor. Catherine and Tom go up to the third floor while Joe waits in the Lobby for Mr. Diablo.
Joe sees a trio of people entering the Lobby. It is a man and two women. The man is dressed in a Red Velvet suit with red shoes. The first women with red hair appear to be older. She is wearing a Burgundy Robe. The second woman in younger and is Blond and from her look, she is absolutely stunning with a Full length mink coat. The man enters the Lobby and makes eye contact with Joe sitting in a chair. Joe gets up and approaches the trio.
The Gentleman asks Joe, “Excuse me but are you Mr. Havard?”
Joe replies, “ Yes I am Joe Havard. Are you Mr. Diablo?”
“Yes. It is a pleasure to finally meet you Mr. Havard. I am very sorry we couldn’t meet for lunch but we are running late. I hope you understand.”
“Yes Mr. Diablo I understand. I stopped at McDonalds and had their Fish Sandwich. You have to order it without cheese so they make fresh for you.”
Mr. Diablo replies, “Mr. Havard the more I hear you talk the more I feel good about being here today. Let me introduce my two associates. To my left this beautiful charming woman is Miss Lix. She is my Mentor and most trusted associate. She brought me into the business many years ago.”
Miss Lix smiles and extends her hand for Joe to shake.
“To my right is the reason I am here today. This is Mary Mal my senior editor. She read your Query Letter and was deeply moved.”
Ms. Mal extends her hand and Joe looks at her face and clearly sees her the first time and she is almost a twin Sister of Sandy from the Dental Office. Joe is stunned and speechless and frozen in place. Mr. Diablo sees Joe’s response to Ms. Mal and suggest they all go to the third floor where it is quiet. He asks Joe to lead the way and they will follow.
They finally make it to the third floor and enter walking past Tom and Catherine and take a seat at the wooden table. Tom and Catherine are hidden from view but can clearly see Joe’s face is as white as a Ghost.”
Tom tells Catherine, “Something is wrong. Joe is terrified. I can’t get any reading from those people he is with. Let’s move closer but do be quiet.”
Mr. Diablo tells Joe, “Lets sit down and I will tell you a little bit about myself and what service I can offer you. I am Malo Diablo President of Diablo Entertainment Group. What I look for is creative people who have the ability to create stories for possible development into major feature movies, network television shows, Broadway plays and cable television projects. I am interested in the written word whether it is a diary, journal, manuscript, treatment, song lyric, poem. It has been my experience that people who have the ability to pour their heart and soul out on paper are the true creative artists of our time. I reach out to the unknown artist and work with them to shape their written words into entertainment projects. I have brought a book with the photos of some of my most famous clients. Would you care to see it?”
Joe replies, “Yes Mr. Diablo.”
Mr. Diablo produces a red book with photographs of his top clients. He passes it to Joe who opens it and looks at the photos.
Mr. Diablo reminds Joe, “Keep in mind I have two businesses. One is a Talent Agency the other is a Literary Agency. The book I am showing you is the Talent Agency side of my business. I am sure you will recognize the famous clients I have under signed contract.”
Joe opens the book an sees the photo of Oprah Winfrey, Madonna, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Conan O’Brien, Ozzy Osbourne, Gene Rayburn, Errol Flynn, Marylin Monroe, Federico Fellini, Peter O’Toole, Alan Yankovic the photos go on and on.
“You represent all these famous people?”
Mr. Diablo replies, “The ones that are still alive.”
“Mr. Havard they all sat at a table like this before me. None of them would have become famous if they did not sign my contract. All the people have one thing in common that I represent. They must have a passion for the work they create. After reviewing your manuscript I can see you have a passion for writing. If I may go further with the right agent Mr. Havard I think you could be one of the most important writers in the last one hundred years.”Â
Joe is stunned to hear what Mr. Diablo has to say. Tom Havard is excited for his son’s new opportunity and turns to Catherine with a look of approval.
Tom tells his wife, “Maybe I was wrong about this guy. He sounds legit.”
Joe tells Mr. Diablo, “I have the entire story here if you want to read the rest of it.”
Mr. Diablo tells Joe, “Mr. Havard I truly want to work with you and think you have a great future as a writer but before I can read the rest of your story I need you to review my contract and if acceptable to you I need your signature on it.”
Mr. Diablo takes a standard contract from his briefcase and hands it to his new client. Joe starts to read it and puts it down. “What is wrong Mr. Havard?”
“I do not need to read it. I go with my gut feeling and my gut tells me you are an honest, sincere and experienced agent. So if I need an agent to start my writing career I cannot think of a better person than you. I trust you.”
“Mr. Havard thank you for the kind words. I think the two of us can become very successful just like the people in my red book.”
Mr. Diablo extends his hand to shake Joe’s hand and Tom Havard recognizes the ring on Mr. Diablo’s finger. His mind flashes back to the Walter Reed Hospital where he saw the same ring on the Devil.
“Catherine that is the same ring I saw on the Devil’s finger when I met him in Walter Reed Hospital. That man is the Devil and he intends to steal Joe’ s soul!”
Suddenly two policeman walk through the library doors and head straight toward the table Joe and Mr. Diablo are sitting at. The Police pass by the table and see a Homeless Man sleeping a few tables over. They approaches the homeless man sleeping at the cubicle. The man appears to be drunk and he starts arguing with the Police. Mr. Diablo and his group watch in amusement at the unexpected show. The policemen escort the Homeless man from the library. Mr. Diablo applauds the Officers for doing their job.
Tom Havard looks around and his wife is no longer sitting in the cubicle with him. Mr. Diablo turns his attention back on his new client and hands Joe a special quill pen to sign the contract with. Joe takes the pen but a barb on the pen cuts Joe’s finger and a drop of blood falls on the contract. Joe asks for a new contract but Mr. Diablo tells Joe he prefers the contract with blood on it. Joe happily signs the contract and passes it back to his new agent.
“Well Mr. Havard we now have a signed legal contract. Please pass me your manuscript so I can review it this week.”
Joe passes his manuscript to Mr. Diablo and is so excited he offers to take his agent to dinner. Mr. Diablo declines telling Joe he still has to make several phone calls to important clients this afternoon and tells Joe he will be in touch but now he must be alone. Joe thanks Mr. Diablo and leaves the library to go celebrate this day.
Catherine walks into the library and joins her husband in the cubicle.
“Where did you go?” Tom asks his wife.
“I had to do something” Catherine replies.
Lilith, Lamia and Lucifer now assume there usual appearance and Lucifer passes his signed contract to Lilith. All three are celebrating and laughing out loud at their victory.
Catherine asks her husband to follow her to Lucifer’s table. Lucifer sees the Havard couple approaching them.
Lucifer tells Lilith, “Look Mother if it isn’t the Havards. Well Mr. Havard I want to tell you I have finally kept my promise to you. I now own your son’s soul. Here is the signed written contract!”
Tom and Catherine both offer to takes Joe’s place if Lucifer will tear up the contract. Lilith tells Catherine they would consider it but since your husband is such a pervert who will have sex with his wife’s corpse and she is such a whore who will offer her body to anyone who wants to have sex with it they cannot consider trading for Joe’s soul. Joe is a innocent therefore his soul has much higher value.
Catherine is stunned at being called a whore and demands an explanation. Lilith stands up and puts her hand on Catherine’s forehead and tells her, “Remember Now!”
Catherine sees a vision, in the library, where she is sitting in her chair in the snow covered field and Lilith dressed as the Virgin Mary is kneeling and praying in front of her . She then sees the brutal attack by Lilith and her horrible rape by the serpent. Catherine is humiliated and ashamed after seeing the vision and Lucifer now transports the Havard couple to his throne above the Lake of Fire to show the Havards where their son’s soul will spend eternity.
Lucifer walks up to Tom Havard and is face to face with him. Hie appearance changes from a Laughing Mocking Demon to a Dark Intense Evil Force. Horns are blasting in the background signaling Lucifer’s Victory over the Havards. He leans over and whispers into Tom’s ear, “I now will destroy what you Love. I have his name in blood on my contract. I own everything he writes and when it is his turn to die I will have his soul. One more thing Tom. I just wanted you to know I was there the night Billy was killed. Those men were doing my bidding. I thought Killing your Brother the way I did would fuel you with such a desire for Revenge you would accept my offer of joining me when I approached you in the Hospital. I thought you should know this before you crawl back to your worm infested coffin. Tom welcome to Hell."
Lucifer slowly pulls away from Tom and picks up his newely signed contract. Both Havards have a defeated look but know it is too late to save Joe’s Soul. They slowly turn away from the Evil Trio and start to walk away. Tom leans over to Catherine and tells her, “We have to do something I have an idea. Lets go back and talk to Lucifer I can make one final deal.”
Catherine looks at her terrified Husband and tells him, “There is no need to. Trust me on this,”
Catherine turns to Lilith and tells her, “Lilith you should be proud of your Son. You have made him into the Evil he is today. I congradulate both of you for your success today. I would suggest you keep that contract in a safe place. I am sure Joseph Adam will be a valuable addition to your collection.”
Catherine tells Tom, “Let’s get the Hell out of here now!”
Tom still confused replies, “What about Joe and who is Joe Adam?”
Lucifer grabs the contract off his throne and reads Joseph Adam on the signature line.
Catherine and Tom are running from the Underworld and Catherine sees the Homeless man from the Library. He removes his beard and Tom sees it is Billy his Brother.
Catherine runs to Billy and grabs him and gives her Brother-In-Law a huge hug and kiss.
Tom grabs Catherine and demands to know what is going on?
Catherine shows Tom a flashback where the Police come running into the Library. Mr. Diablo and his group were distracted by the disturbance. Catherine took this oppourtunity to possess Joe Havard and sign the contract with his Chacter’s Name. The Devil owns the soul of the character Joe wrote about in his story since Joe did not sigh his real name.  A huge wail from The Devil is heard throughout Hell. The Havard Trio have beaten the Devil and head for home.
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