Chapter 42
The War Party
It is a beautiful sunny day in the Pacific Ocean. It is the Day of the Annual Reunion where members of the US Navy and their families unite with members of the Japanese Navy and Air Guard for an annual festival recreating events of the military conflict between the Japanese and Sailors from the USS Randolph. Now that all the members from both sides have had a chance to look at their lives, deaths and what if anything is accomplished by going to war and trying to kill your fellow brother or sister. All agree there is nothing to be learned from going to war and there is no honor in dying for your country.
It is a bright sunny day and there is a festive atmosphere on the deck of the U.S.S. Randolph. BBQ’S are set up on the flight decks and tents are overhead keeping the sun off the members who are attending the annual War Party in the Pacific Ocean. Mrs. Asaki and her children are there Sakura and Hiko. Dr. Parmo is chatting with Mrs. Asaki husband the Surgeon. The Sailors are dressed in their parade and fighting uniforms.
William Havard is there talking to his sister-in-law Stella Catherine’s younger sister. Family and friends are all on board. Also in attendance are the Japanese Kamakazi Pilots dressed in full military uniform with members of their families. Everyone is having a wonderful time and music fills the air.
Catherine is alone standing on the flight deck admiring the Navy Planes. All of a sudden the Alarm is sounded and everyone stops the party as a single plane approaches The Randolph. It is a Japanese Zero headed straight for the ship. The Japanese Pilots run to the ship's guns and start firing on the plane. The Zero avoids the hail of bullets and starts shooting at the crowds of people on the deck of the ship. People in the crowd starts screaming and scatter. Cancer victims, heart attack suffers, alheimer suffers and natural cause death victims are all at the party enjoying the military mayhem. The Japanese plane takes a second pass at the Randolph this time determined to make a Kamakazi crash into the ship.
The Japanese Pilots hit the plane and it dives right into the ammunition bay on the deck of the Randolph causing a tremendous fire ball explosion and total destruction of the enemy plane.
The crowd gathers around the explosion to witness the extensive damage. They see the pilot is on fire but not moving and is trapped in the plane. Everyone turns away from the fiery crash and walks away. The pilot starts to move in the flames and climbs out of the cockpit. He is dressed in full Japanese Battle Uniform with his flying goggles on. He walks through the fire and onto the deck of the Randolph. He goes over to Hiko and hugs his Spiritual Brother while both slowly burn up in flames laughing.
The pilot takes his goggles off and pats the flames out on his uniform. We now see it is Tom Havard who flew the plane into the Randolph. He smiles broadly and shouts out, “Who is next!” Â
Catherine Havard approaches her husband, “ Can I try to fly the plane?” Â
Catherine doesn’t wait for an answer. She jumps into the burning plane and wills the plane to take off. She is changing into her corpse appearance when she first arrived but has a huge smile on her blue tinted face. Catherine is in the air buzzing the ship. She aims the plane directly at her husband Tom who is standing alone on the ship. She crashes right into her beloved and a huge ball of fire engulfs both of the lovers.
The crowd is horrified at Catherine’s actions. A figure is seen emerging from the plane and it is a beautiful young Catherine in flames climbing out of the plane on onto the ship’s deck. Catherine walks over to Sakura her husband’s lover and thanks her for taking care of Tom and tells her this is the best party she has ever attended and can’t wait until next years party.