Chapter 43
The Prophets
Tom Havard is sitting on a stone bench at The Grotto of Saint Mary’s Cemetery. It is the middle of Winter Sunset is here and snow is falling. Tom looks at the Jesus figure nailed to the stone cross. It is bitter cold and Tom is dressed in a T shirt. He is smoking a Pall Mall and has a six pack of beer.
Dark clouds push into the bright Sunset and crashing thunder is heard in the distant. Suddenly a huge bolt of lightening strikes the cross. Jesus moves his fingers and breaks his hands free from the nails. Tom falls to his knees in disbelief and starts praying. Jesus bends down and pulls the nail from his ankles. He is bleeding profusely.
He is finally free of the cross after some 2000 years and climbs down off the cross. Jesus turns from a stone figure to a human form of flesh and blood. He looks through the falling snow and motions to Tom to follow him.
At the end of the Cemetery on a snow covered hill is a large gathering of people. They are all gathered in front of a large stone grotto built into the hill.
A bloodied and bruised Jesus walks barefoot through the thigh high deep snow toward the Grotto and the crowd of people. You can hear a deep music beat as Jesus approaches the crowd. The on lookers slowly realize Jesus is making his way toward the crowd.
There is a concert with musicians and singers at the base of the grotto and you can see the heads of the six major religions. Buddha is there representing Buddhism. Vishnu is there representing Hinduism. Jehovah standing tall representing Judaism. Muhammad representing Islam beaming with pride looks at Jesus in the crowd. He invites him up on stage to take his place next to his brothers. Finally Jade Emperor representing Taoist Theology takes the stage. Jesus embraces his six Brothers and now it is time for the concert to start.
The music starts and Ozzy Osbourne steps forward and starts to sing, "See you on the Other Side."
Jesus falls to the ground in front of the stage and Deborah rushes to Jesus lying on the ground. She turns him to his side and Jesus says, "Sister show our Brothers the way!" Deborah picks up her Brother and carries him on to the stage and places him in one on the twelve thrones. She sits in the throne next to Jesus.
Allah steps forward and raises his hands to the crowd and the music stops. He has a message for the Dead.
One day our Living Brothers and Sisters will join us here at the Eternal Rave.
God Bless All.
The Music plays on.
Jesus now rises from his throne steps to the center of the Grotto in front of the crowd.
Jesus has a message for The Crowd.
"One day Heaven and Earth will be one.
We all Brothers and Sisters will spend Eternity in Paradise.
The Dead
The Living
The Unborn
We all will live in the same house.
We all will eat from the same Garden.
Finally and end to Suffering, Pain and Loss.
We are all Brothers and Sisters from the same family.
Finally and End To Violence.
Follow and Pray to any God or Goddess you wish.
Because in the End we will all see we are one.
Lilith and Lucifer stand high on a cliff over looking the dead awaiting the concert.
Lucifer turns to his mother and declares, "I will destroy all the Prophets and those living and dead who listen to them. They will never win. As long as man is alive we will never be forgotten. The urge to kill each other is just too strong. They will never walk together as brothers."
Lilith replies, "Yes my son you are right. And this noise women are making how they want to step forward after thousands of years hiding in caves. Now they want equality with men. The Bitches and Whores will achieve full equality with their pathetic men soon. It will be wonderful to watch women not only destroy man but each other. All we have to do is wait and the future is ours!"
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