It's been so long I can't even remember I think it's somewhere between January and December ...
Fall symbolizes the twilight time of your own
life cycle. It celebrates the human passage....
"Nothing really matters except for what we think of ourselves" the righteous king's adviser is slandering...
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You know I've been thinking about how the old man from Kenner comes up with all his tales for his homebound...
Cultured dreams
By Sharon Maria Moemise
I've always wanted anything bigger than a cellular...
Inside Space By David Semenske
A spaceship is traveling through deep space at light...
Once apon a time there existed a kingdom in the modern world that was filled with curses
The zone...
~~ Chapter 1 In LA, there are two teenagers named Austin and Lucy. They were the best of friends, “...
Way too honest to win
An idea I had for a show. The only brief episode to be made.
As I stood before the long lost grave of my Great Uncle Edward questions wondered through my head. He died...
How man may view us in the Future and get it wrong.
A mini biography of the self proclaimed Emperor of the United States