It Happens.

Within the " naked " truth, there is room to explore the realms of fantasy. Surrealist or abstract motions only considered, if " push, came, to shove " ! Well, he inferred so. As, he conversed admirably with, her. She, had a reputation, he had to take, to his account. And, he had to be careful. With, what was suggested, away from what he could " muster " or " bluster. " In terms of defence. When, encountering hostile probing. " Best Defense " was born of the creative notion, as well as motion, to discover the place of sanctuary, and safety. Rather, than any thing else. Which could, and, should be imagined, beyond nightmares, for the sake of " living, it up " ! With liberal attitudes respected. Of, course.
He, just, had to keep her happy. It, was in his interest, to do so. She, had friends in high places. They, could do whatever they liked. That, was of concern. But, as long as he flirted with disaster, as well as embracing infatuation, he thought, at the very least, he should adapt to survive. Any torrent of abuse. How good would, that be ? In the " grey area " of historical ignorance. Where avoiding the facts of the matter, had led to problems. Some, greater than the average, at certain locations. Well, some dared imagine.
These, he did not dare think of. Obviously. His heart beating fast, as he drew nearer to " The Edge, " to face any repercussions or inference of romantic excursion. Or, insertion ? As, according to definitions created outside his comfort zone. He, was on a hiding to nothing ? Or, on to something else, removed from his ways, he speculated, as " The Sum Of All Fears " started to mount. Why should they not ? Others, would declare.
The way of this world, was stranger than fiction to him. Anything could go on there, and probably did. But, none dared tamper with " formulaic " design, devised by these types, unless they had to travel, to where " means " over-rode, rough-shod, the personal need. You, can understand his requirement, of the " diversionary tactic " to lure her away from desire, within " The Business " strategy. Where security was of primary concern, in respect of market " forces " ! Recently, spiralling out of control. For, one reason, or another. That, did not bear deliberating, unless with her. She, did appreciate the finer points of domestic investments, of time and money, to gain the prime advantage. His position was, now, less than clear, but as long as he held his nerve, he felt he should be alright.Was this to be his undoing ? Only fate playing a " cruel " hand could answer. Why would that not be true ? Assessments, contemplating ramifications, coming from this, for any duration, defined appropriate. At a later date. Systematically ?
In this place, he realized when, and where, he was out of his depth. And, when and where he was not. In the battle for hearts and minds, he related to " The Mist. " And, what " Fury " could do, in terms of interpreting the " opening " ! And, the consequences of, that. Probably, best not referred to, in public. For, obvious gains. To, oneself and others. Interested in cyclic " Phenomena " away from mainstream group ethic. In the isolation of " The Double " he sought sanctuary. And, an excuse for his naivety. Before, the face of administrative judgemental remarks. From, one, too readily accepting of " Age Old Practices " ! He, did not care to associate with. Even, when alone. In " The Dark. " Better, to be a " mushroom " fed manure to grow, here, than become some thing he could not tolerate. All ways, perceived, to breed confidence.
How he faired, would be down to circumspection. And, retro-spection, in timframes allowed ! He was not seen again. Many, of the witnesses, assuming he had been " flushed " away. To, bring another to the fold. Where, it all went on. To, test their " endorsed " credibility also. By, the wanton obsession of her methodology, through toughest examination. Relating, to past experiences. And, her " station " !