Look Me In The Eye When You Talk To Me

 Two guy are watching the movie Total Recall,and they are watching the seen where the character Douglas Quaid/Hauser meet with Kuato, who is the mutant rebel leader on Mars.   kuato  is a mutant that live in one of the rebel's stomach .
So after seeing this part of movie, the first guy( who has a weight problem )said to his friend " You know what I can't stand about having a weight problem ?"
His ( buff ) friend reply," I can't imagine."
The first Guy, ( who has a weight problem )" I can't stand people Greeting me by patting me on my the stomach, and looking down at my stomach instead of looking me in the eye when they talk to me! "
His ( buff ) Â friend asks, "What do you plan to do about that? "
The first guy,( who has a weight problem ) " Â I plan to create and wear a shirt that has a big yellow smiley face which is positioned on the stomach,and above the face a arrow that point up to the words,SPEAK TO UPPER MANAGEMENT."Â
Written by Stephen J. Vattimo December 1,2011
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